Thursday 1 June 2017

Crafty Hazelnut's Extra for June and Day 152 of 'A Year of ATCs?'

Starting early with my Christmas cards means I am organised come November -

 well hopefully!!

This is my first Design Team make for the June Challenge of

Bugaboo Stamps are proud to sponsor this challenge - they are offering four digital stamps to the randomly selected winner.

This month I decided to make a card using a non-traditional colour -
pink - not a colour I use very often!

The image is Balloons Topper Digi Stamp.

I started with a Kraft card blank matted with pink. I printed the image on white and pink.  I trimmed the white to size and then paper pieced the balloons and bar with the pink.

I added glitter glue to the balloons and stamped Merry Christmas with Versafine - the stamp is from Happy Little Stampers.

I also made a matching ATC - Day 152 of my 'Year of ATCs?'

 This time I added the 'Party' sticker at the bottom.

Do have a look at the other makes to inspire you over at Crafty Hazelnut's Extra

Looking forward to seeing your make...

Happy Crafting!


  1. that's cute.
    You can see the movement of the
    balloons too.
    thanks for sharing.

  2. This is simple, but really adorable! The image paired with just the sentiment looks fabulous, and the pink looks great!


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