Wednesday 30 June 2021

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday? #630


Wednesday again, so I am linking to the Stamping Ground.

 My picture for WOYWW #630 looks a bit dark but it was taken about 9am this morning. By now I have that double lamp on!
About a month ago on the UK Stampers Network Craft and Chat Zoom, Dolly showed us velveteen stamping. I didn't have the chance to do it then (the time difference only means I can join in late!) but I thought I would have a go today. You might be able to see my white ink pad and some background stamps. On the top of the box of blue index cards you can perhaps  see some of the index cards I have been doing.

The album I mentioned last week is coming on nicely - but I have been talking about this in other posts - as I will the velveteen, assuming it comes out OK.

No journal pages to share at the moment - Still catching up! But I do have a 624 to share - from Kyla! Lovely package, Kyla - thank you!

I have also had some goodies in the post:

But the most exciting thing this week has been going on a whale watching boat trip. We saw whales, seals, dolphins and numerous sea birds!

Happy WOYWW !!


  1. Happy WOYWW Susan. Some lovely new goodies there. Have a great week Angela #7

  2. How sweet that Kyla drew that image. I even told her I was impressed.

    I love your new stencil. You got some beautiful stamps, too.

    It's been several years since I went whale watching. It is always so exciting when you actually see one. I love it when they flap their tales in the water. You brought me some incredibly wonderful memories. Now I'm off to see your most recent ICADs. Happy WOYWW from # 12.

  3. Thank you so much for the ATC and extras. My daughter brought the post to me and it was lovely to open them all x

  4. I'm not sure i've heard of velveteen stamping Susan, must try and find out more. Lovely happy mail, makes and crafty goodies, I feel I need a little treat myself very soon.
    The sea trip looks wonderful, I can almost smell that salty ocean from your pics, thank you for sharing.
    Happy WoywW Tracey #1

  5. How wonderful to see all the wildlife, we saw loads of humpbacks off the Queensland coast, one of the best experiences of my life! Velveteen stamping sounds interesting, it’ll be good to see the result, I bet it’ll be gorgeous!
    Hugs LLJ 14 xxx

  6. Susan, another process that I have not heard of before..."velveteen stamping?" It doesn't surprise me really, I don't get out much! LOL I can't wait to see it! I will definitely research that process! :) That album is simply GORGEOUS!!! Love it! I'd say it DEFINITELY IS coming along nicely! :) Love your happy mail from Kyla and the goodies are GORGE!! I love those stamps! I'm jelly! LOL Oh what a blessing of a boat trip! I never seen any whales before. I would be grinning from ear to ear! Such a blessing! Have a wonderful rest of your week! Felicia #30

  7. The boat trip exciting indeed! Lovely goodies received and I haven't heard of velveteen stamping either. Must look it up, just in case it's something I would be interested in! Happy WOYWW! xx zsuzsa #31

  8. So pleased it got there ok and some nice new craft stash too, nice

  9. Hi Susan! Nice new toys! Have fun with your velvet experiments! I love dolphins and whales, what a great thing to see in the actual ocean, and not at the Aquarium! I get seasick very easily, but I think this would take my mind off it! Have a great week, Lindart #34

  10. I don't know about velveteen stamping but sounds fun - and love the atc from Kyla - but the whale watching must be the star of this week - how fantastic! Have a good week helen #11

  11. Ooh WOW Susan, the trip must have been just jaw-dropping awesome :) I love that you see so many creatures ( and not just waves) :) Love that pile of happy that has found you too. ~Stacy #33

  12. Wow! Whales as well as dolphins, what a ‘pinch me’ moment that must have been…what a great trip. We did a couple of dolphin spotting trips when we were on the east coast, (couldn’t get enough of them!!) but I don’t think spotting a whale was even suggested. How marvellous! Nice new stash, particularly like the long line of letters. Your postal week has been lovely! Loving the box shape of the album, a spine like that allows for lots of stuff on the inside which is always a lovely thought when you first handle an album.

  13. Happy Belated WOYWW. Velveteen stamping is something else I need to Google or look on YouTube. There are dolphins and occasionally whales off the coast of Wales. I saw a whale once as a teenager, but didn't have a camera phone then. Ali x #15

  14. Ooh lots of lovely stash to look at - I love the Darkroom Door stamps, I'm a big fan of their goodies. The whale watching trip looks wonderful - what an amazing experience.
    Have fun with your Velveteen stamping - I've embossed a lot of velvet but never stamped it, I'll be very interested to see your results.
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #28

  15. What an amazing experience seeing the dolphins and whales in the wild Susan. Looks like you have had some great new stash. I haven't heard of velveteen stamping so I am intrigued. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #9

  16. Hi there Susan!! Fab mrmaid book and am intigued by velveteen stamping - I do hope you tell us more! What a fantastic whale watching trip you had - weather looks good too. Enjoy playing with your new crafty goodies. Stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx #18

  17. Some lovely happy mail there, Susan, and the velveteen stamping sounds most intriguing! Hope we see some more about this. Amazing dolphin photography.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #26

  18. Sorry I'm late this week just got a bit distracted. Looks like you've had a good week and wishing you a very happy belated woyww, Angela x23x

  19. I'm running a little late this week! Loving the mermaid album, but that whale watching trip sounds incredible - lucky you. Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love & God bless, Caro xxx (#29)

  20. "velveteen stamping" sounds intriguing... and I am in ooh and awe over the whale-photos, that must have been so special to watch! Have a nice weekend you beautiful one, hug from Holland! Marit #13

  21. Whale watching trips are so much fun aren't they, assuming they oblige and show themselves lol. Looks like a lovely day you had. Your desk looks very tidy too. Happy belated WOYWW! Elle #35, EOTC


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