Wednesday 29 December 2021

What's on your workdesk Wednesday #656


Wednesday again, so I am linking to the Stamping Ground

Follow the link to find out more about What's on Your Work Desk Wednesday and maybe join in... This is my post for WOYWW #656

So what's on my workdesk? Not a lot... we have come away for a few days having seen all the family on Christmas Day. if you would like to see a taste of our Christmas please follow the Link

This is my picture for this week: some cross stitch on the motel bed. I couldn't come away without anything!

Today we have been to see some more of the art silos amongst other things.
I rather liked the row of non-arted ones...

Hope you are all well - stay safe...

With very best wishes for the New Year!

Happy WOYWW !!

 Can't see much on my phone so hope this post is OK!!


  1. Happy New Year in advance, and Wow. That is art on a grand scale! How wonderful. Like you, I like the plain ones as well, tho', so starkly beautiful. It isn't really at all like it but it brings the Cadillac Ranch to mind. Enjoy your stitching.

    "A WOYWW day, a WOYWW day, and the last one of the year…" (with apologies to Fairport Convention)
    Mary Anne (6)

  2. Love the art silos Susan. Good to see the house coming on so well on FB too. Hope 2022 is a better year all round for everyone. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #7

  3. WOW! those art silos are fabulous - what a great idea. Enjoy your break - and the cross stitch. Happy New Year Helen #1

  4. Well that’s a great way to make something big and boring look a whole lot more interesting! Though I do like the non decorated two too, something very pleasing about them.
    Happy New Year, let’s hope it’s cheerful and healthy and normal again.
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  5. Hi Susan, the art on the Silos is fabulous. I first saw that a few years ago when I visited my sister in Canada. Have a great few days away, and enjoy the cross stitching. Take care, Heather xx #10

  6. Enjoy your time away, love the silos and carry on stitching . . . but stay healthy and safe
    Happy New Year
    Christine #19

  7. Nice to see some clear blue skies! It's been grey and drizzly around here for the past week! Lovely paintings on such a huge scale! Wishing you lots of happiness in 2022! xx zsuzsa #21

  8. Happy WOYWW. Wow, those silos are incredible. Wish we had some blue sky here. I hate these dark/grey days. Happy New Year. Ali x #14

  9. What an amazing place the art work is brilliant. Pleased it's not just me that has to take some crafting with me when I travel. Happy crafty woyww and hoping for a better New year. Hugs, Angela x9x

  10. Yep, post looks grand! The art on the silos is amazing, the scale is a huge challenge if you ask me.
    I always bring something stitchy on holiday, I need about twenty years worth of hols to finish what I've been ‘working’ for years, I hope yours is more achievable! Have a lovely time touring, and happy new year!

  11. Oh my goodness the art silos are amazing. Enjoy your time away and your cross stitch. Happy New Year BJ#17

  12. wow, the painter must have a head for hights! They are fabulous though. Happy very late woyww-stay safe and have a very happy new year! ((Lyn))#25

  13. Happy New Years Susan, ooh that is cool that people are decorating their Silos with art. ~Stacy #24

  14. Amazing art work . Wishing you a happy and healthy New Year Angela #15


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