Saturday 25 November 2023

Scrapbookingncraft Post #1

 I was delighted when Mel asked me to join her Design Team. I have enjoyed using stencils, chipboards and serviettes from Scrapbookingncraft for some years now...

Find our Design Team makes on Facebook HERE

This is my first inspiration:

Step One
Add book paper to my page with gel medium.

Step Two
A brayered layer of white gesso.

Step Three
Acrylic paint (Dina Wakley Olive) through the stencil Plastic Stencil Stones Medium  (using a domed blending foam).

Step Four
Acrylic paint (Dina Wakley Rouge) through the stencil A4 Lady with a Rose  (using a domed blending foam). When dry I added black Posca to emphasise the shapes.

Step Five
Script stamping at random with black Archival Ink.

Step Six

Step Seven
Posca penwork as a border.

Step Eight
Sentiment printed on the computer, cut out and distressed with black soot

Happy Crafting!

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