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Wednesday 28 October 2020

Cat Lovers Hop Day 3


This is my third make for the Cat Lovers Hop.

 I am joining in with the 2020 Cat Lovers Hop

Do pop over and find all the details on Janis' Her Peaceful Garden blog

  Instead of sharing a vintage Halloween postcard today I am sharing part of my Halloween bunting which we just put up today. It is a little worse for wear having been in the shipping from England but I am hoping the creases will eventually drop out!

As Ike is one of the sponsors for the Cat Lovers Hop,
 I thought I would use one of her images today.
We are all thinking of Ike and hope that her treatment goes well...

This is a kraft card base matted with a Tim Holtz paper, with black distress around the edges.
I added Ike's Cheshire Cat coloured with markers and cut out.
I used Visible Image stamps for the sentiment and fishbones.
The sentiment is stamped on another piece of paper and on dimensional tape.

In January I also used Cheshire Cat (and Alice - Hatter) in a journal page.
I though I would re-share this too!

Happy Hopping!


  1. Fantastic card, love the photos, beautiful banners and fantastic view, hugs, Lori m

  2. Love your photos and your card is great fun, Jo x

  3. That's a wonderful Cheshire Cat image and I love your card and the journal page

  4. Super card. I have this image too - I should break it out because it's so fun.

  5. Love your bunting, Susan, and the card is fantastic! Isn't her the greatest Cheshire ever? Love that you did him as an orange tabby.

  6. Wonderfully creative projects, Susan. That cheshire cat is always up to mischief. hehe

  7. I absolutely love your cat design! So happy to participate with you in the Cat Lovers Hop this year!
    Love To Scrap 2

  8. Super cute card and I really love the bunting too!

  9. Gosh, that bunting is gorgeous, it will drop soon. Love the ginger cat image and beautifully coloured. Cool mad hatter on your journal page.. the cat looks like its just dancing across card and on pages! Happy hopping with Cat Lovers!

  10. FUN! I love how the kitty is juggling the fish bones! Too cute!

  11. So so fun! Love your coloring and the mad hatter theme!

  12. Love both projects, the cat looks like he is doing a song and dance.

  13. A fabulously, fun card, Susan. The Cheshire Cat looks like he might have had a tad too much catnip :) Fabulous fishbones and sentiment - really love this card! xx

  14. Really fun card! The cat is really enjoying himself! Your colouring is beautiful! Ike is so talented and generous. I am praying for her complete recovery.

  15. FURRtastic Alice themed make, love it!
    Happy Creating & Stay Safe!

  16. Oh, how I love how you used Ike's Cheshire cat! Your card and page both look marvelous! Purrfect coloring on the kitty!!! :)

  17. Snicker....that's pretty much how I feel a lot of the time!

  18. Love all of your fun creations! Awesome colouring!

  19. Great Halloween bunting, Susan! Looks so fun and festive.
    I love this image of Ike's so much. I also have her version of it with tennis shoes on! lol.. Love the sentiment you paired it with, and juggling the fish bones. Genius! Great art journal page, too. So glad to see Hoppers using our sponsor images!!

    I am slowly visiting all of the projects...and I enjoy lingering at each one. I do not want to miss a thing!! Thank you so much for joining in the feline fun at our #2020CatLoversHop.
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com


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