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Wednesday 14 October 2020

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #593


I had no idea this morning, that today is Wednesday.

If you are my friend on Facebook, you will know that only 9 weeks after losing Dad we are having to say goodbye to Mum too.

Very sadly, she passed away on Sunday evening after a few days in hospital.

This rose is called "My Lovely Mum":

I am devastated.


Anyway I am
linking this post to the Stamping Ground.

Here's my desk picture for WOYWW 593!

The main thing you can see is one of my journals - I am doing a Niamh Baly workshop which involves 8 pages - the first step is to paint each page in rainbow colours. I am just letting orange dry...

I did another workshop with Niamh the other day and produced this:

What else? Like Zsuzsa, I have been doing the fortnight of Life Book 2021 Taster Sessions.
Out of 32 lessons I have managed 26, but I have rather lost heart now so not sure that I will do the final 6.
The sessions have been very varied and involved lots of things I haven't done before.
I will just share a few examples.

Anyway, that's all for today - Have a happy WOYWW!


  1. I JUST started watching some of Naimh's videos the other day. She has some lovely ideas and your pages are real stunners. I didn't know she did workshops as well. I always learn so much on WOYWW day!

    So very sorry to hear of you double loss, so close together. Be strong. It must hurt like hell but gather strength and support wherever you can.

    Mary Anne (5)

    1. https://www.bevscrosscrafts.com.au/blogs/news/art-journaling-hidden-secrets-by-niamh-baly

  2. Oh SUsan, how sad I am for you, I’m so very sorry to read of your dear Mum’s passing. So much to deal with gal. Take your time, reach out if you need to and be sustained by happy memories. Your pages are amazing Susan, and even if you have no mood for it now, I’m pretty sure you’ll be ready to revisit the current workshop at some point.

  3. So sorry to hear of your loss - such a sad year for you. Your artwork is lovely and is just one small way to keep you busy and focussed on the positive things in life. Sending a big WOYWW hug. xx Jo

  4. So sorry to hear of your loss - both of them. How very sad for you but obviously mum wanted to be with her life partner so please try to take some comfort from that.
    Lovely artwork, may your art help you heal. God Bless.
    Stay safe and well, Hugs, Neet 14 xx

  5. I'm so sorry to hear of your loss.
    Beautiful artwork, hugs, Lori m

  6. I am so sorry to hear your very sad news. Much love to you
    Glad you are crafting through though. Love your niamh pages . Helen #1

  7. Hi Susan, so sorry for your loss, to have both parents pass in such a short time must be heartbreaking. Love what you've achieved with your journals. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  8. I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss, it must be devastating being so close to losing your dad. My heart goes out to you and I hope you find some small comforts in your journals and art work - they are very beautiful.
    Hugs, Diana x #10

  9. Hi Susan. Oh, that is so hard for you - to lose both parents so close together. A lot of grieving to be done. Take care of yourself in the midst of everything.
    God bless and keep you.
    Margaret #4

  10. Beautiful artwork, I hope it gives you some comfort at this difficult time. I can't believe the heartache of a double loss like this in such a short time. Sending hugs, stay well, stay safe, Cindy #21

  11. My deepest sympathy for you. The photograph is a lovely memory for you but I’m sure you’ve got loads more to treasure. You all look so happy together. Take care with hugs from Sue. #23. xxx

  12. Susan my very heart is reaching out to you today with the loss of BOTH of your parents. I just can't imagine .... such times we are going through! Many prayers for peace and strength in you today. I love your Niamh Baly pages. They are wonderful. The colors of the rainbow are bright and beautiful!!! Many, many blessings to you. Felicia #22

  13. Oh Susan, I am so sorry to hear about your Mum and Dad. The photo is gorgeous, what a precious memory. You are in my prayers. Loving all your artwork. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#12)

  14. (((Susan))) I am so sorry to read about the passing of your Mum, devastating beyond belief may you find comfort in knowing they are now both together again now. Be kind to yourself and please continue with your amazing art, creativity is a tremendous healer.
    Take care of yourself Tracey 11x

  15. I was so sorry to hear about your mother. At least your parents are together now. Sending love and sympathy Angela #29

  16. Oh Susan, I’m sorry to hear about your parents. It is so hard to let go of our parents, but they lived a long life and I’m sure a wonderful one. Big hugs to you. I am also participating in the Life Book taster sessions. Wow, they are so great. It is hard to keep up with them so I was glad when she extended them. Such fun! Dorlene #30

  17. SO sorry for your loss Susan. Sarah #3

  18. Dear Susan, I think that’s so hard losing the two so close together. It’s the suddenness of the loss that makes it so hard, that’s how it was with both my darling mum (I’d cared for her for 16 years) and dad, but they weren’t nine weeks apart. Sending giant prayer hugs your way! Miss them both incredibly.
    Lovely work you’ve done, maybe doing one more the one you like best of six yet to do may bring you comfort. Love the beautiful yellow rose... lovely memory connection. Praying for you and your dear ones. ❤️❤️🙏🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗
    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x #6

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  19. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. What a rough year you've had. Your projects are terrific, I hope you'll continue as it's a good way to get out of your head and heal your heart. Be kind to yourself and get lot's of rest too ~ Blessings to you

  20. I am so sorry to hear about your mum, Susan, and so soon after your dad, too. I'm not surprised you are losing heart a bit over the art project. Your pieces are all so beautiful.

    Shoshi x #17

  21. I'm late this week as I was out in the garden all day yesterday and so on catch up today. I am so sorry to hear about your mum. I know how you must be feeling as I lost my dad in April but so far my mum's doing okay now. Good job we have our crafting to keep us busy. Wishing you a very happy belated woyww, Angela x19x

  22. I'm so sorry for your tremendous loss. So very sad for you and your family. Take care.


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