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Mermaid ATCs

I have been taking part in the Conjuror of Dreams Progressive Challenge. The most recent image I have received is of a mermaid. I have used ...

Monday, 25 February 2019

Playing with some chipboard embellishments.

At the beginning of January, our daughter left the UK to go and live and work in Australia - our 3 sons and their families are already there...
Before that we helped Sophie clear her house. This meant many trips to various charity shops as well as putting things on ebay, after she had packed the stuff she was keeping.

It sort of put us in the mind of clearing some of our clutter...so, amongst other things I have been putting quite a lot of crafty stuff on ebay - trying to destash my craft room!!
I hadn't realised I had so many half finished projects in so many different crafty areas!

Anyway one of my lots is for some Craftwork Cards packs of plant pot and planter cards. Each pack contains 10 of each press out shapes in white - ready for colouring or embellishing and glueing. I am selling these 2 for 1 as I thought they would be ideal for Playgroups or Brownie packs or such.

The planter makes quite a nice little gift box: I just added some patterned paper.

Using the plant pot card design and little children in mind, I came up with this simple idea: Again I decorated with patterned paper.

However, as I was sorting out my craft room I came across some chipboard embellishments
and came up with the next idea:

The plant pot bottom is embellished with some snippets of ribbon (the butterfly ones from a prize from Mrs A - thank you again ValeryAnne!) on a scrap of textured card.
I added an extra piece of card above the pot to attach the floral embellishments to...

I will link this to the Butterfly Challenge. Although I haven't used an aperture and only touches of the colours it is definitely 'Anything Goes'!

I will also link it to Pixie's Snippet's Playground!

and also to the new Challenge on Outlawz Crash Your Stash

By the way if you'd like the link to my ebay lot it is here

Happy Crafting!


  1. What a great make Susan! Really pretty as well. I have a huge de-clutter lined up for when I'm mobile again - It's a job that will be like eating an elephant - a bit at a time! :)


    Di xx

    1. It is taking me ages...I think I am into my fourth week now. I have done dolls house stuff, cross stitch kits, quilting things and now I am onto papercrafting - major!! I was very sorry to read that you had a gout flare up...hope it is settling down! Take care Di...!

  2. Love your flower pot design with all those pretty flowers which do have the colours in them. Good luck with the sorting out of your craft room. I need to change my craft room round as the position my desk is in is just not working for me. Trouble is I have to de clutter it before I can even think of moving it! Thankyou for coming and spinning the butterfly wheel with me this week. Hugs Mrs A.

    1. I can certainly see a difference in my craft room but it is hard work! Deciding what I can get rid of to start. I an finding things I haven't seen for years - so surely I don't need them !? Anyway good luck with your desk move...


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