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Using Images from Michelle Grant Designs

  I continue to use images from  Michelle Grant Designs I have a drawer full of printed images that I am trying to use! I am adding pages to...

Friday, 22 February 2013


Every November and December I have to go crazy making my stock of Christmas cards
 - and every January I resolve to make some every month so it's not such a problem!

The plan this year was to make 3 each week! 
So by now my Christmas card basket should have maybe 18 cards in it...
How many does it have? 4!!

Anyway... I decided to make a Christmas card for the sketch challenge from

Our crafty lady crew met on Tuesday and our good friend Susan Kaiser
 showed us some tricks with a brayer. 
We made the following elements:

I decided to use part of the winter sky for this card:

The other circles used stamps and embossing in a lovely blue.
 Papers were from my scrap bags...

The sketch was

Happy crafting!


  1. Such a fab card, Susan. Love the colours. The elements you made with the braying technique are great too. Something I have never tried. By the way, the four cards you have are 4 more than I have! Lol!! Good luck with the Christmas card making.

    Wendy xx

  2. Gorgeous card Susan, I love the fabulous colours and the beautiful stamps. You have 2 more than me at the moment. Must get some done myself.

    Linda xxx

  3. I LOVE seeing Christmas cards from other bloggers. I too am trying to make a few a week to meet my goal of making 150 for 2013. I am your newest follower and would love for you to come visit and follow my blog. You might be inspired by all the Christmas cards I have made recently. ;)

  4. Fabulous Susan, I think we all make the same resolution, round about December when we are running out of time, LOL...then by February, we are struggling to keep it up....I have made 1...yikees and I only made a resolution to make 1 a week, LOL xxx

  5. Ohh fabby x I'm afraid I leave my christmas cards till nearer the date but maybe I should take a leaf out if your book x

  6. fab card Susan, I always leave mine till the last minute and then regret it lol x

  7. Love the card & the colours. You are so good getting Christmas cards done early, i`m terrible for doing them all last minute lol xxx


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