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                               Last month I made several  meander books....and I decided to make another today. I am at my son's helping...

Monday, 15 December 2014

On the Eighth Day of Creepmas...

Here I am, Jolly Blogging!!

 photo JollyBlogger2014_zpse7278384.jpg

You will find the blog roll on the sidebar - I do hope you'll hop along!!

 You should have come from Jane and next stop is Nan
but if you have turned up here by chance, do pop back to Terra for the start!!

So...onto the next page of my fat book,
using 6x6 squares of chipboard, each page covered with papers from
 Lelli-bot Gothic Grunge collection
and then embellished in various ways.
Thank you all the comments you are leaving me! I really appreciate them..
 And I am mentally hearing you all SINGING ALONG!!
So here comes Day 8...
 Initially I was thinking 'Kaleidoscope'.
( I used to love getting one in my Christmas stocking when I was small! )
The image is Teri Sherman's Corner Gargoyle from Delicious Darkness.
I am so pleased that Teri's images will still be available next year at Smeared Ink.
I printed it 8 times, fussy cut the images and coloured them with Promarkers
 in the usual colour scheme.

Next I used a sentiment from Create with TLC

Finally I added my words, printed on the computer - and some Stickles to the eyes -

On the Eighth Day of Creepmas my truelove sent to me...

Eight Gargoyles Grinning!

TODAY there's a challenge - which gargoyle is the odd one out?
(Email me the exact difference to be in a draw for a prize!!

I would like to link this page to Delicious Darkness Challenge Final Hurrah

So... so far we have
On the Eighth day of Creepmas my true love sent to me...
 Eight Gargoyles Grinning,
Seven Spiders Swinging,
Six BITES of Jigsaw
Five Scary Skulls
Four Red Balloons
Three Felt Hats
Two Googly Eyes

And a Raven in a Dead Tree!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Not to give too much away, I see a difference in the lower right gargoyle.

    This was a family challenge to look for differences.
    I also loved playing with kalaidoscopes.

    1. Email me the exact difference to be in a draw for a prize!!

    2. late, but I emailed.
      I don't remember if I put a subject line on it. Oops

  2. Oooooo how creeptastic is this page, love the kaleidoscope effect you pulled off with the perfect amount of gargoyles! I'm playing in your game and sent off my email teehee ;0)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oooh...this might be my favorite page yet! I love the kaleidoscopic symmetry!

  5. My favorite too! I love kaleidoscopes and gargoyles!! Hope I got the gargoyle right emailing after I finish hoping! This page is spectacular!! Love it!!

  6. Wonderful page Susan! Love the colors and images, both soooo awesome!~kim

  7. Oh I'm just loving this page. It truly does look like a kaleidoscope. Emailing you now. xxD

  8. It's fab! Thank you for using our papers on something so amazingly beautiful!

  9. Another fab page, but I've been peering and I simply can't spot an odd one out. I do love the kaleidoscope effect though, maybe that's mesmerising me too much ;)


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