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                               Last month I made several  meander books....and I decided to make another today. I am at my son's helping...

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

On the Ninth Day of Creepmas...

Here I am, Jolly Blogging!!

 photo JollyBlogger2014_zpse7278384.jpg

You will find the blog roll on the sidebar - I do hope you'll hop along!!

 You should have come from Jane and next stop is Nan
but if you have turned up here by chance, do pop back to Terra for the start!!

So...onto the next page of my fat book,
using 6x6 squares of chipboard, each page covered with papers from
 Lelli-bot Gothic Grunge collection
and then embellished in various ways.
Thank you for all the comments you are leaving me!
   I am really enjoying the fact that so many of you are SINGING ALONG!!
Btw I will announce the winner of my ODD ONE OUT competition on Day 12
so there's still time to have a look and email me...
So here comes Day 9... and this is what I decided upon...
I then added this sentiment from Kris at Imagine That 

So Nine cats? Well I used Hallo Kitty - probably the first image I got from Smeared Ink
 and one of my favourites!

Of course I just couldn't resist...

And then some Stickles...

So... so far we have
On the Ninth day of Creepmas my true love sent to me...
 Nine Cats Meowing,
Eight Grinning Gargoyles,
Seven Spiders Swinging,
Six BITES of Jigsaw,

Five Scary Skulls
Four Red Balloons
Three Felt Hats
Two Googly Eyes

And a Raven in a Dead Tree!

Happy Crafting!


  1. You had me at 9 kitties, but the goggle eyes put this over the top! Love, love, LOVE! xxD

  2. So many kitties, and glitter and goggle eyes....I am in heaven!! This has been such a successful line to go with! Love the blood red and your take on the carol! Fantastic, can't say it enough!!

  3. ROFL! I love those kitties, this may be my favourite page so far. And, I actually found myself humming as I was waiting for the page to load and wondering what the ninth day would bring ;)

  4. For sure my favorite. I had a feeling you would hide a tiny mouse somewhere.
    It is fun to click the pictures and go back and forth watching the eyes change.

  5. Ha ha ha! I love this one! Reminds me of our house--we have five indoor kitties and two outdoor kitties--yes, we are crazy cat people! Love those googly eyes!

  6. you are getting a nice collection :-)

  7. hahahah love Hallo Kitty! They are awesome and I can hear them singing....errr. meowing!~kim


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