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Mermaid ATCs

I have been taking part in the Conjuror of Dreams Progressive Challenge. The most recent image I have received is of a mermaid. I have used ...

Tuesday, 15 December 2015

The Eighth Day of Creepmas

Here's the Blog List - hope you will hop through and look at all the super makes...

Black Dragon
Airless Chambers
Susan S
Lady Brayton

And yes...I am Jolly Blogging again...

On the eighth day of Creepmas....

This was my make for the 8th day of Creepmas last year - part of a fat page book - the reason I am showing you this again is because you could win that book here -


...and I want to get some of you singing again!!

On the Eighth day of Creepmas my true love sent to me...
Eight Grinning Gargoyles,
Seven Spiders Swinging, (or Spinning)
Six BITES of Jigsaw,
Five Scary Skulls
Four Red Balloons
Three Felt Hats
Two Googly Eyes

And a Raven in a Dead Tree!

Thank you Mary for entering by email with these two lovely projects:

You now have a good chance of winning my last year's Creepmas Creation

Thank you too for all the lovely comments!


This year I am making a concertina book - each day you will see a little more!
 Each page is decorated with creepy, quirky or creepy cute images  including lots of ATCs.
Gradually it will become more embellished...

Here's today's offering...

Ho Ho...

(Not sure of the origin of this vintage Santa stamp...)


(Smeared Ink real rubber stamp - with a blingy hat brad)

Basically a textured dark red hand-made paper from India then the three images matted on Christmas red card, Words generated by computer except for Poe - gold stickers!

The final two page spread looks like this -with some added red card and origami paper and
an Alice ATC I made a couple of weeks ago 

Happy Hopping!


  1. Poe really fits in with the idea of Bah Humbug
    Have to go check the earlier entries.
    thanks for sharing.

    1. thanks for adding them. I didn't understand what all the Linky wanted (I don't have a blog). If I win I will treasure the book. I keep all of the handmade cards I get from my friends and family. It's fun to look back at them and see the different ideas and how people's skills have evolved. I know mine have. thanks for the chance to win a fun item. Love the 12 days poem adaptation.

    2. You are welcome. ..you have an excellent chance of winning at the moment! !

    3. You are welcome. ..you have an excellent chance of winning at the moment! !

  2. Love your Santa and Poe combo! Just realised I have been commenting on your last year makes and not this years, sorry!

  3. This is just brilliant - such an awesome creation you are making and I love the POE page :-D
    Thank you for playing along at QUOTH THE RAVEN :-D

    IKE xxx

    QTR Author

    My Challenge Blog
    My Shop
    My Blog
    FB Fan Page
    Cat Lovers Challenge Blog

  4. Love the theme here - the Poe image is perfect and I do like Ho Ho Poe! Nicely done!

  5. Heheheh, he's a right old grump but I want to hug him any way! Fab spread fir today's pageπŸ˜ƒ

  6. I love your art here all of it. Thank you for joining us at QUOTE THE RAVEN Challenge and I am also saying AWESOME! from the blog hope point of view.your art always amazes!

  7. Love him Susan! This is so awesome! xx


Thank you for taking a look at my blog and maybe leaving a comment! Please come back soon!

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Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so on the understanding that their name and personal details will be visible to anyone who visits this blog. On entering a piece of artwork into any competition or giveaway that I might promote, they do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog and in so doing have published their own personal details and consented to our use of that personal information should it be selected as a winner - thanks.