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Wednesday 27 January 2021

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #608


It's Wednesday again - so I am linking this post to the Stamping Ground.

This is my desk picture for WOYWW 608!

 I am in the middle of a journal page which started off as a use-up paint page. I used a Lavinia stencil with dark red paint. I picked this stencil up from a craft shop I hadn't been in before a couple of days ago. I also bought some bargain paint and a Visible Image stamp set Ahead of our Time - not used that yet. I brought this journal through from my messy area to do the sticking of sentiment and images.


One of the things that I find difficult is photographing my cards for my blog - it is either too dark or I have shadows everywhere. My husband has just made me a light box, hoping it will help!


Remember my bird string? Well, I didn't take it down with the Christmas decorations and in fact, I have just made a couple more birds...

The first one is a Masked Lapwing - which we see in the garden all the time...

The second is a Swamphen which we saw when we were out and about the other day. This bird has rather become a family joke as my daughter first read it as 'Swamfen'.

Anyway hope everyone is staying safe and keeping well...and enjoying the weather. 
Here it is very hot and it is bbq time

while my brother in the UK keeps sending me photos of snow and ice...This is in a local park in Derby - flooded football fields...

Happy WOYWW !!


  1. You definitely have the better weather in Oz Susuan lol. Love the latest additions to the bird string. That is a fabulous light box, much better than my tiny pop up one. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. Glad you are enjoying the BBQ weather! love the bird string. I like your light box, just the thing I think, shadows are annoying with the photos! Take care. Helen #1

  3. Well can't argue your weather is better than ours! That's a serious light box, if that doesn't improve your photography I guess it may be down to you (joking!). Love your bird string, there are some handsome fellas on there. Have a good week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindyxx #8

  4. yes, the flooding has been awful. Hard to take in some of the photos we saw on tv. Poor folks!
    How lovely for you to be barbecuing and having people sitting around enjoying the sunshine. Makes me long but not envious as there is little point. Just enjoy your covid free, sunny country and send us a ray of sunshine in your blog each week.
    Hugs, Neet 9 xx

  5. Nifty trick for photography. I think we have something like that hubby bought when he wanted to sell off some old computer stuff. Might have t drag it out if I can find it. Not as swish as your custom one, but the same idea. I think your bird string should stay up always - it's adorable. I long for sunshine and people around....can't come soon enough for me!

    Happy WOYWW - NOT at the hospital today but with a thumping headache yet determined to WOYWW nonetheless! Best day of my week…
    Mary Anne (2)

  6. Dang - totally forgot to mention your lovely art journal page! It's fab!

    Mary Anne again

  7. Your page look lovely and loving the birds, Think it will be a long time till I sit out in the garden needs to heat up a lot, great picture of you all enjoying the sun,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B #11

  8. Hi Susan we’ve masked lapwing here, but never seen a swamp hen don’t they have pretty green red feet? Striped kinda.

    Yes weather here is swimming weather went for a swim straight after I linked over with Julia this arvo late. Sun conscious so don’t go too early.
    Great to find a new craft shop nearby esp if they have good things too!

    Thanks for sharing, and God bless, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  9. Loving the bird line and the swamp-hen, I might well have got it wrong too as I've never seen one before. Our son who is 22yrs called an Oboe and Obe which we thought very funny too.
    Super journal page and love the strong colours. And the light box is great. We have a fabric one but I never use it, maybe I ought to??? BJ#11

  10. Loving the colours on the art journal page, so rich! And well done your hubby for making the light box, that’ll help with the photos so much, clever chap! But I really love the bird string, you’ve got the character of those birds perfectly!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  11. Children really can make the day sometimes! Love those birds, might pinch that idea sometime, the string looks really bright and cheerful.
    Have a good week
    Christine #31

  12. Hi! your little birds are precious! Your going to like your light box, I use the inside of a white cupboard but it doesn't have a light inside. I should get a proper light box but I don't want to take up the space, maybe I should in my storage room?! hmmm you've got me thinking! Enjoy your journaling and your warm weather ~ Love, Karen#32

  13. Goodness it feels like another world! Sitting in the garden with friends, wearing shorts, going to craft shops. Let's hope we never take those things for granted again. Your little birds are stunning! What a great way of learning more about them and keeping a record of what you see. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #10

  14. Susan, LOVE your journal page! Those colors are awesome together!! So, I just want to say that I am TOTALLY jealous of your light box! I desperately need one! I have the exact same trouble as you do with photo taking photos! And, it really catches me in my craw because you feel like you spend all that time on something only not to be able to present it with it's true form! Next on my list of items to get!! Still loving our birdie string! Too cute! Enjoy that HOT weather...I'm NOT ready for it! Blessings and stay safe! Felicia #28

  15. I love your bird garland! I’d leave it up all year too!

    I like your light box too! I have difficulty photographing my cards too! I am blog impaired but I do post to a couple Facebook groups.

    Have a great week, enjoying your glorious weather! Very cold and some snow here.

    Stay well
    Happy Wednesday!

    Kathryn #35

  16. It seems so funny thinking of you enjoying hot barbie weather Down Under, Susan, while we're all huddled up with winter woollies and cuddling kitties to keep warm! A beautiful journal page (fabulous colours) and I love your bird string, and the fact that they are actual species of bird and not just random birdie objects haha! I would have read that as "Swamfen" too! The masked lapwing is obeying all the rules at the moment, isn't he. He must be afraid of catching something from us. Or perhaps he's just contemplating robbing a bank.

    I love the new light box! What a great idea. I have the same problems in my studio - wherever I try and photograph anything, I am plagued with shadows. I've got a light panel for tracing and it would be great if I could rig up some kind of a box that I could slide it into so that it would shine downwards like that. Anyway, it's a great setup and well done your hubby.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #24

  17. Loving the birds and the new light box especially! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#14)

  18. The light box looks useful, great idea. This time of the year is rally difficult to get a place with good light. The journal pages look good too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x18x

  19. Susan, that light box is utterly fabulous :) ( I love the size of it) and those birds are all so interesting and different than what we see here. ~Stacy #33

  20. Happy WOYWW. We are definitely looking forward to spring here. The days are already getting longer, so there is hope! I bought a light box from Amazon last year. It really helps with clear photos. Ali x. #26

  21. Hello Susan, I love your bird bunting - such a lovely thing to make and your newest birds are gorgeous. Your lightbox is fantastic. I'm now wondering if my hubby could knock one up for me. He's good at DIY so I'm hopeful. Enjoy the sunshine and have a great week. Elizabeth x #30

  22. Oh what a wonderful husband you have, the light box is just fabulous. I need to get one of those as my home lighting is awful.
    Awesome bird photos and sewn birds, beautiful on everything, hugs, Lori m

  23. Hi Susan, I really like your journal pages, nice and colourful. I have a few of the Lavinia stencils- possibly even that one - love using them. The birds are cute, I would leave the string up all year. It's bright and cheery. The contrast between you sitting and enjoying a BBQ at the same time as we are building snowmen is quite surreal. It reminds me of when we went to the Maldives in December. We left there on Christmas Eve in shorts and tee-shirts, thinking how strange it was to see Christmas decorations in that heat, and arrived back in UK to freezing weather! Have a lovely week, Heather #21

  24. Great journal pages. The light box is a brilliant idea, well done hubby! Have a great week Angela #15


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