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31 Days of Halloween - Day 20

    During October you will see many Halloween-y projects on my blog as I am joining in with LeighSBDesigns 14th Annual 31 days of Halloween...

Wednesday 19 June 2024

WOYWW #785


It is Wednesday so I am linking to WOYWW. By now I expect that you know that Julia decided to bow out - after 15 years! - so the Stamping Ground is no longer the place to link.

Instead go to Sarah's blog at Sarah's craft shed

Follow the link to find out more about What's on Your Work Desk Wednesday and maybe join in... This is my post for WOYWW #785

Here is my work table today:

Not a lot of change - and rather a schmozzle!

There is a packet of Bee Arty papers I am in the process of using - and the odd new thing. There are three Natalie May Tag workshop packets for me to get around to...

I finished off week two of the ICADS:

I then started on week 3 and decided to try and keep with the theme.

These are the ones I have made so far:

and today's...

I finished a jigsaw at the weekend and was very disappointed to find a piece missing:

However Kevin came to the rescue and found it under a chair...

I thought you also might like to see who I have been seeing across the road from our house the last couple of days:

Anyway that's all from me today. Hope to visit you all later...when we have returned Ollie home...

Happy WOYWW!


  1. Thank goodness for sharp eyes with the jigsaw piece! I do like puzzles but they have to be high contrast or I just lose the will, not very patient me! Great ICADS but I am totally in love with your lady and her special message in her hair! Here's hoping for a a sunny week, Lisa-Jane #6 www.prettymypage.co.uk

  2. All of your ICADS are so creative. I feel like I am just slapping down a focal point and cobbling together text most days, but I am still happy to make something out of my huge stash of samples and test pieces. Well done Kevin! Oh and that guy looks a bit ready to leap, and from what I hear that is no joke.
    Happy Desk Hopping (and for me, knitting)!
    Mary Anne (3)

  3. Great ICADs, I am really enjoying it this year. I do need to get more words, they come in so handy. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  4. ICAD's seem to be the 'thing' at the moment and lots of deskers are into them. I find it too hard to commit to one a day. Yours are so lovely.
    How lucky your other half found the missing jigsaw piece imagine if he hadn't, it would haunt you for days to come.
    Love your visitor.
    Hugs, Neet 2 xx

  5. I'm loving the ICADS, they are all fabulous but I'm totally drawn to the Creative Warriors page - what a gorgeos image and I love the softer, earthier colours you've used - love it!
    Glad the last jigsaw pieces was found and what a great visitor - looks like he could pack a punch though!
    Have a great week,
    Diana xx #15

  6. I have really enjoyed seeing the iCards on various desks recently, the prompts were interesting! I love the message in the flowing hair at the top of your blog, lovely piece of artwork. Well done to your hubby for finding the piece, phew!
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  7. Love the Index cards, I always think it's a great way to craft so you can move on quickly from one technique to another. I bet you wewre pleased that Jigsaw piece turned up there's nothing more disappointing that doing all that and then finding a piece is missing. Wishing you a happy woyww. Hugs Angela x14x

  8. Love your visitor over the road, how cool is that! Super cards and following the theme/recipe is great. Alternate must be my favourite. Hugs BJ#11

  9. Nothing worse than a missing piece! Glad it was found! I don't think I could ever get used to seeing a kangaroo in my yard! Awesome! Your cards are all wonderful. My favourite is the one that says Let's Discover! Have a great week, Lindart #19

  10. Glad that jigsaw piece was found Susan - nothing more frustrating! Loving all the ICADs but the ellipses stand out. Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

  11. Am very late, was out with work longer than I expected... fab ICADS. glad hubby found the jigsaw piece! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  12. I'd really love to join in with these ICADS challenges, I've seen sooo many great ideas, but know I'd start and never finish, my brother in law's voice is always in my head, it haunts me! 'when you go Lyn, I'll just get a big skip'....I know people have contacted me asking if they can have first dibs at the skip! but, I just know...It'll all be gone! So, I think I'll have to make as much as I can, so he has to pay for more skips! yay "happy Days" Sorry for late visit, not home at the moment- hope you've had a great week, nice and sunny here Happy WOYWW ((Lyn))#18

  13. Thanks for the Junk Journal July link but I am still having problems with it. It takes me to the web page I was looking at originally but this time there is a pink strap line on the top with "sign in" on it but clicking on that just takes me to the same page and no other sign in part....just round in circles. Still hoping to get an email about it. I'm not a member of Get Messy but did do Junk Journal January and Messy May, we'll see. Thanks for trying though, I did contact their chat line but nothing came of that either.... Hugs BJ#11

  14. Just to let you know I asked my hubby about my issue with the JJJ sign-up or lack of and he turned off the ad blocker for a while and hey-presto the sign-up bar appeared and I could do it at last - yippee. Thanks again BJ#11


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