we were involved in Abu Dhabi Dramatic Society.
We did perform on stage but our main occupation for ADDS was backstage, providing props and set building...
This year's pantomime has just been performed in Abu Dhabi - without us! -
but that made me think about last year.
This picture shows me ironing some fabric to start making the coach for Cinderella.
And here is the finished article - a sort of stretch-limo kind of coach. Pulled of course by a camel - we WERE in Abu Dhabi! And this is where Kevin and I were involved again!!

We often needed puppets or props made from papier mache for the pantos.
But I was very pleased with this 'scissors in the back' prop that I made for one play...
...and I loved doing this 'big stamping' for the set of another!
But this had to be our finest hour...the pantomime shark which Kevin and I both got inside and frightened the kids!!
Oh Susan, I absolutely ADORE your second look, which of course, is a first look for me. I really LOVED the scissors in the back and the shark, but the camel pulling the stretch limo camper had me rolling on the floor. Simply wonderful post. I'm truly delighted you chose to share this with us as your second look on the 2nd, although it's also the 3rd here, now too.