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Wednesday, 1 December 2021

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday? #652


Wednesday again, so I am linking to the Stamping Ground

Follow the link to find out more about What's on Your Work Desk Wednesday and maybe join in... This is my post for WOYWW #652

This is my desk picture for this week:

Actually my desk is the same as last week - nothing has changed! We have been over to stay with our youngest son and granddaughters in East Gippsland for a few days and very little crafting has been done! This is a picture of Matt's cactus garden.


Well, I have made a few more sock monkeys...

Remember the beautifully wrapped parcels of craft items that I received from Natalie May?

Inside one was an Art by Marlene Advent calendar - today I opened it up and opened number 1! My daughter also gave me the Crafter's Companion one.

I was delighted to receive a prize from that 10 day virtual retreat with

Kevin has made me this year's outside tree from scrap timber. (The picture shows our Advent calendar behind - this was made for our boys about 40 years ago...)

My final picture is the start of our build!

Hope you are all well - stay safe...

Happy WOYWW !! Hope to call on all of you this week...


  1. You’ve have some lovely things going on, the sock monkeys made me smile, they’re such characters! And the items received through the post are wonderful, especially the advent calendar. I liked your Hubby’s wooden Christmas tree, simple but very effective and yay for the start of the building works, a new chapter begins!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  2. What a haul! Love the advent calendars - they look lovely. But oh my, your sock monkeys are OUTSTANDING. I love them so very much. Quite fabulous really. And the "outside tree" is great as well. How handy. Enjoy the build!

  3. That utility area is perfect for messy play - make sure you have something like that in your new house! Is it not weird having Christmas in the Summer? I couldn't imagine it! It's so exciting having a crafty advent calendar - I've got the mixed media one from CraftBox this year with pastes and mini sprays. The last two years I had their charms packs, but I've got more charms now than I can ever use LOL! I'm not sure if it's actually worth it, but it's nice to look forward to opening something that's not just chocolate. Happy December! xx zsuzsa #18

  4. How exciting to know your build has started. I imagine those cacti deter burglars! You have had sone lovely gifts. Happy WOYWW Angela #13

  5. I am so in love with the monkeys and the desk will still be there when you get back to it. Loving the advent calendars too, you will have fun with those. Nice Christmas tree too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs, Angela x16x

  6. The sock monkeys are so cute, real little characters, and I love the outdoor tree - so very stylish and effective. Great that the building work has started - very exciting.
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana xx #15

  7. that is so exciting to see the trenches going in for the foundation. :) I love that you collect advent calendars Susan and that garden is very cool. ~Stacy #23

  8. the advents are so pretty, but like the others, I adore your sock monkeys! am impressed with your son's cactus garden. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  9. Those sock monkeys are fabulous Susan. Enjoy the Advent calendars. Hope the build continues well. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  10. Love the monkey sox...I tried that once...they still looked like socks...but with eyes! Our nieghbour, or one further day the road, made christmas trees out of old pallets...they looks prestty rough when you walked by but! in the nighttime and lit up in the darkness, they looked fantastic!Great Idea! Have a Great Crafty Week. Stay safe. Happy very Late WOYWW!?((Lyn))#25

  11. Oh well done, a prize from the retreat and two fab advent calendars, how nice! I like the outside tree very much, I can see your husband taking orders to be honest. Good to see broken ground on your plot, it’s very exciting. Loving the sock monkeys, see even without being in your own desk space, you’re creative!


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