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Mermaid ATCs

I have been taking part in the Conjuror of Dreams Progressive Challenge. The most recent image I have received is of a mermaid. I have used ...

Wednesday, 1 June 2022

WOYWW #678


Wednesday again, so I am linking to the Stamping Ground

Follow the link to find out more about What's on Your Work Desk Wednesday and maybe join in... This is my post for WOYWW #678

June 1st - the first day of Winter here in Australia - and certainly it is cold enough! The max temp today was 14 degrees. My temperature blanket has gone blue. Not long before I will have finished the first half... the plan is to do two halves and then crochet them together...(maybe)!

First of all I am going to share some happy mail  - these are what have arrived so far!!

from Caro         and            from Jan

Thank you!!

This is my workdesk today: 

Again this is the work surface in the utility room - I am playing with my Gelli plates. I recently saw the tip of having a second Gelli plate alongside to brayer off extra paint and then use this for more pulls.
I made a variety of backgrounds - pages, index cards, junk journal cardboards...

I started making a few index card backgrounds as I thought I would join in with the ICAD challenge again - it starts today...

I thought I might use the prompts to start off with - maybe - anyway I may have the first week's set to show you next week.

I went to see the house earlier - still not got a completion date, but it is coming on... I think that is a plumber... 

It was actually pouring with rain - so I also got a rainbow picture!

Are you doing Jubilee craft? I was just chatting to my brother on Whatsapp. He is doing window decorations for their street party. 

Finally - I was just looking at my Facebook memories - this is from 5 years ago today, at Bodnant Garden...

Anyway, all for now - see you next week...

Happy WOYWW!


  1. A second geli plate is a great idea. You get a product line going! Your blanket looks lovely. I had forgotten about the index card a day. I don’t think I brought any with me this year. Happy WOYWW. Angela #2

  2. Hi there - not feeling very warm here in London either but he sun has just made an appearance so that might improve! Love the second gelli plate idea, will definitely do that next time as I have more than one. That is one super laburnum arch!!

  3. Hellooo Susan πŸ€— loooving your blanket, adore the burst of colours 🌈 crochet is something I wish I could do. Great idea with the gelli plates,I need to be brave and get mine out again πŸ™ƒ Your brother has done amazing ⭐ Good to hear your home is coming together πŸ’• what a gift that rainbow was 🌈 magical!Wishing you a beautiful week ahead , stay cosy. Love and hugs Tracy #11 xxx

  4. the blanket is going to be gorgeous, it's a lovely way to track the weather! playing catch up here, had some Jubilee fizz in the office this afternoon so I fell asleep when I got home... Helen #5

  5. I guess my ATC hasn't made it yet then.... Mine from Julia hasn't arrived either but that might have got lost unless it has gone via Australia. 14C well that is my happy temperature, anything above and my hot flashes are unbearable and we're just starting Summer here!!!! Oh NO! Love the blanket, hubby could do with a blanket all the time, me defo not! Oh those prompts are tempting but I'm not very crafty these days.. Love your brother's window decs for the Jubilee. I have flags on the house and bushes. BJ#12

  6. Nice blanket! It's been sunny and raining here today. Great idea to have two plates on the go, stops you wasting paint. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x6x

  7. Love the blanket. . hope you get the completion date soon, Take care and stay safe, Lilian B #13

  8. Great idea having a second gel plate handy Susan. The blanket is coming on really well. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #9

  9. I've just scrolled back ages to see the first bit about your ziggy zaggy blanket! It really has grown! Love it!

  10. Have a great week! Happy Late WOYWW ((Lyn)) #15

  11. Loving the blanket. I am wondering how cold is cold there at the moment? When we visited Australia, my friend said you should have come in Summer - couldn't as worked then. It was cold at night but in the day seemed very warm to us. :-) We drove from Adelaide to Brisbane , it did snow when we were in the Blue Mountains. How exciting re your house. Have a great week. Annex 19

  12. I definitely visited but did I forget to comment or did it disappear like some of mine do???? Love the blanket, inking and the cut outs of the queen. BJ#12

  13. ooh the blanket is looking really good. Yes chucking it down here today, but luckily we did have a mainly dry bank holiday for the jubilee
    thanks for visiting my desk already

  14. Oooo, thanks for the tip about the second gelli plate... that's a great idea (why didn't I think of it myself? *grin*) I really love that blanket! I crocheted some grannies a few years ago, until my beloved said we had enough 'hippie-blankets' in da house... ha! Love the design of yours! Thanks for visiting my desk last week and sorry for being so late with my return visit. Have a lovely week! Hug from Holland, Marit #23


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