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Mermaid ATCs

I have been taking part in the Conjuror of Dreams Progressive Challenge. The most recent image I have received is of a mermaid. I have used ...

Friday, 13 February 2015

Smeared and Smudged Bloody Valentine Hop 2015 #3

 photo BloodyValentineBlogHopBanner_zpsddcb6a4c.jpg

Hopefully you have arrived here from Susan S and your next stop is Lisa
but if you need to start the hop from the beginning please go back to Black Dragon.
The full blog list is at the bottom...
Today I am showing you the last three sides of my chipboard hearts and how they are displayed:
I am having real problems getting decent photos - it's so dark!!
 Had forgotten what it's like to live in the UK...
Firstly one with an added ATC:

This ATC features SLSLines Goth Girl with heart balloons

Next - the heart stamp is Hero Arts 'Newspaper heart' and in the foreground

I will link this to the Aurora Wings Challenge Valentine

And of course I have to end on a Grumpy - Love Lil Grumpies Shot

Here's the full Hop list:

Black Dragon
Nan B
Susan S
Susan R
Lady Brayton
Happy Crafting!


  1. OMG!! FAbulous! Love each and every side of your hearts and the way you've displayed them is brilliant! Love, love, love! xxD

  2. Love this heart garland/book! Each page is a work of art and love, love those grumpies! No one can do these like you do, Susan! The book from Creepmas is still a standout in my mind!

  3. What a wonderful, beautiful project all together!
    I did not guess ahead of time.

  4. Oh my I am just lovin this. Awesome project what else can I say. Did I say I love this !!! :) xx

  5. Thanks so much for all your super comments!!

  6. Your finished project is freaky fabulous! I just love all the little details!

  7. Wow, you havent been lazy! Very pretty work..

  8. This is so sweet, in a not-at-all-sickening way. Thinking about it, that doesn't sound like a compliment, but it really is meant to be one. "Sweet" is the word I want to use, but because I use it sometimes as "sickeningly sweet", I had to add on the explanation. Fabulous would have been better and not needed all the waffling, I guess. Anyway, happy anniversary to you and hubby :)

  9. Got my official hat on now, Susan. Guess what my fave image is. LOL So happy you joined our Valentine's Challenge at Aurora Wings. xxD


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