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  I continue to use images from  Michelle Grant Designs I have a drawer full of printed images that I am trying to use! I am adding pages to...

Wednesday, 24 May 2023

WOYWW #729


It is Wednesday so I am linking to the Stamping Ground

 - and it is Week 729 -  the week after the 14th Anniversary.

I posted several ATCs - it will be interesting to see how long they take to arrive - and I am still waiting for Kelly's address...

Follow the link to find out more about What's on Your Work Desk Wednesday and maybe join in... This is my post for WOYWW #729

SO here's my desk!

Actually the dining table at son Matty's - I am looking after my grandaughters this week. I am in the middle of a journal page.

Not done much crafting with the girls - we made a couple of bars of soap from a kit and have done a bit of baking.

The recipe for these cheese scone-y things has been going round my friends:

They are quite delicious...

We also made croissants - from a packet - but these too were pretty good.

Before I came over here on Sunday, Sophie and I went to see the second Book Club film on Saturday - we enjoyed it! Our previous jaunt was to the theatre to see & Juliet. An excellent show!

To finish we walked to see the sunset from last night...

Wishing you a happy week...and mean to get around to you all this week...

Happy  WOYWW!


  1. How lovely that you’re having a great time with the grandkids, those cheese scones look absolutely delicious, thanks for the recipe, I’m going to give them a try!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  2. The scones do look 😋 would like to find time to make some. I managed to see all grandchildren last week. ( grandsons live in Yorkshire, granddaughters round the corner) many happy memories of looking after them. Think they look after us now! 😀 Anne x 15

  3. The scones look yummy, but that journal page is even yummier! Fodder? It looks fabulous, so bright and cheery. Hope your ATC arrives soon!
    Happy WOYWW, on the way to 15!
    Mary Anne (2)

  4. Glad you managed to get to see a show . . I went to see 'Pride and Prejudice - sort of'. Too funny, bit sweary in places but it was in context. Recommend it if it comes out your way.
    How lovely to spend time with your Grand daughters, mine's 30 now, can't believe how time has flown. She is so lovely, I just want to hug her all the time, I don't of course!! lol
    The scones recipe, thank you, reads really easy but the end result looks delish!
    Have a good week
    Christine #18

  5. The scones look so tasty, project looks pretty and it's so awesome that you can spend with family, enjoy, hugs, Lori m

  6. I love cheese scones! Hope you enjoy the family time. Happy woyww Helen #1

  7. Hi Susan, I posted your ATC a couple of weeks ago by air mail so yes it will be interesting to see how long it takes to reach you. I wish I'd not seen the cheese scones as now I want one Lol! Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

  8. How lovely to be able to bake with your grandkids! I am partial to a cheese scone! I hope your ATC gets there ok
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 9 x

  9. That journal page is going to be awesome. I like it already. Oh gosh, I want some real scones like yours. Even the croissants look good. Sounds like you had fun with the grandies, too. Happy WOYWW from #4.

  10. I'm loving the journal page and the scones sounds delicious. How lovely to be spending quality time with your Granddaughters adn making happy memories.
    Have a lovely week,
    Diana xx #16

  11. Have a great time with the grandchildren Susan - might have to try that recipe for the cheese scones. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  12. Angela Crafting With Jack25 May 2023 at 20:05

    My those scones and croissants look good. I haven’t had a decent gluten free cheese scone yet and I do love cheese scones. Have a great week . Angela #19

  13. Angela Crafting With Jack25 May 2023 at 20:05

    My those scones and croissants look good. I haven’t had a decent gluten free cheese scone yet and I do love cheese scones. Have a great week . Angela #19

  14. Angela Crafting With Jack25 May 2023 at 20:05

    My those scones and croissants look good. I haven’t had a decent gluten free cheese scone yet and I do love cheese scones. Have a great week . Angela #19


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