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Wednesday, 17 April 2024

WOYWW #776


It is Wednesday so I am linking to the Stamping Ground

Follow the link to find out more about What's on Your Work Desk Wednesday and maybe join in... This is my post for WOYWW #776

OK - so the best laid plans etc...

I planned to write this on the train into the City and I thought I had my desk photo on my phone. As it turns out I must have taken it off onto my computer this afternoon!

We are off to a concert to see James Taylor. Almost  exactly 54 years ago I received one of his LPs as an 18th Birthday present...

Anyway if you could see my desk photo you would see the featured post journal page on the desk easel.

And a mess on the surface... A journal page with a base layer of yellow and this edge to edge shaker card in progress...

This can be found in another post if you scroll down!

We were looking after Ollie today so there was an arrangement to pass him onto his Dad at the station so we could get the next train. First Dan was delayed by an accident on his journey home from work. Next we were just about to leave the house and Ollie needed his nappy changing!  

Anyway here we are on the train...and I thought I would finish with a video of Ollie...

Happy  WOYWW!


  1. Blimey! I love JT - I have a few old songs in heavy rotation in my favourites playlist, like Mexico. Enjoy! Love the vidoe of Ollie and his bubble gun too. Such a cutie :)
    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

    1. We just heard him sing Mexico... brilliant concert!

  2. Fabulous work! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #13

  3. Oh a fun post....hope your trip went well. Adorable video shot and loving the page on the easel. Enjoy James Taylor !

  4. You are so lucky James Taylor is brilliant ! Sweet Baby James is one of my favourites. Ollie looks as though he's having fun too. Sending woyww hugs Angela x11x

  5. Isn't it amazing that people we were listening to 50 years ago are still performing? I kind of doubt that Byonce and other performers popular today will be still performing when they are in their 80's! Enjoy the concert (how could you not?) The little video was very cute! Have a great week, Lindart #18

  6. Love James Taylor’s songs. The video of Ollie with bubbles is cute! Lovely pages& cards
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 10 xx

  7. I hope the concert is good (was good) Ollie is sure having fun with the bubbles. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  8. That is such a coincidence to see Ollie with the bubbles - I am minding Lionel today and was literally just thinking I must look and see if we still have the bubble machine and bubbles from last summer and we can go in the garden later! (It looks quite nice out but we forgot to put the buggy in the boot this morning so we are buggyless today. Must buuy my own to keep here now he's bigger it doesn't have to be fancy. TBH didn't know James Taylor was still about!! But hope you enjoyed it. Have a great week, love n hugs Cindy xx

  9. Super fun video and love the "desk" this week. So funny. Hope you had a super time. Hugs BJ#4

  10. He is absolutely adorable! I know you enjoyed the James Taylor concert. Lucky lady!
    Creative Blessings! Kelly #17


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