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I have been taking part in the Conjuror of Dreams Progressive Challenge. The most recent image I have received is of a mermaid. I have used ...

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

October 28th - Day 28 of 31DOH

Well... it's DAY 28 of Smeared Ink's 31 Days of Halloween...a huge blog hop for you to enjoy every day

For more details hop over to Terra's Blog...there are great prizes to be won!!
 Find out about the Scavenger Hunt! 

Hope you are enjoying the hop - there are some amazing creations to see!
I am gaining so much inspiration from all these varied projects!!
And I really do appreciate the comments you leave!
The blog roll is on my side bar.
 If you are hopping in order your next stop is Creepy Glowbugg!

I am running out of time - only 3 more days after this and I have images, papers,
 and a cat to decopatch!!!

And suddenly I have little time to craft...
my husband arrived back from India a week ago,
our goods arrived at our new home on Thursday!
(It didn't help that I had arranged to go to a quilting show with a friend
down in Malvern on Friday...)
We are now unpacking...unpacking...
But I believe these boxes may hold my stash:

There are about 20 boxes there - labelled 'cosmetics' - 
the Pickfords men put them in the (quite large) bathroom.
A quick peek in one revealed crafty stuff...
But they are pretty low on the priority list for opening!!

Anyway here's hoping I will manage the last 4 days...

Here's today's make - a card using DD Pumpkin Pestilence coloured with Promarkers.
The long rectangular Kraft card blank was matted with paper from my mini-stash.
Other elements were from a Best Creation Inc. paper.

Happy Crafting!


  1. How can that kitty be smiling? Those are some wicked looking pumpkins! Glad your stuff arrived...sorry you have to unpack it..UGH! You have made amazing things including today's card without all those boxes and that is pretty impressive!! Love your work truly do!

  2. Wonderful card, I love those creepy jack-o-lanterns and you've colored them wonderfully.

    Yay your supplies arrived, i'm sure you are relieved knowing they made is safe and sound :) And boy, look at the size of that bathroom and its so bright and full of light very nice, mines about the size of a small closet and the only window goes opens to the laundry room.

  3. I'm sure it will be exciting for you to finally have your full compliment of craft stash again, but you've done a wonderful job with limited supplies. Love Teri's scary pumpkins but the little kitty seems quite amused by them. Hope you link this up to our Halloween Challenge at Delicious Darkness. It's fabulous! xxD Happy unpacking!

  4. The elusive boatload of crafty stash finally arrived! Congratulations!
    (and for hubby arriving too)
    I am also a bit envious of your bathroom space.

    Those are VERY scary pumpkins. Possibly carnivorous!
    I like the distressed look of the Halloween sentiment.

  5. Those are pretty creepy jack-o-lanterns! Wonderful art with your limited stash!

    So happy for you that hubby and stash arrived so you have instant madness! Take care and have fun!~kim

  6. Take a breath. Everything will be fine. We crafters always find time to do the things we love - crafting. Creepy cool card.

  7. Pumpkins are so faB. I love them scary

  8. Unpacking... ugh... Love te card and spooky image.

  9. LOL, what a wicked cool card, those pumpkins are a hoot! YAY, your stash made it safe and sound! Happy Dance! OH MY GHOUL, I bet the packers were wondering who in the world needs 20 boxes of cosmetics LMAO!

  10. Yay! All your stash is back! Doesn't it make you wonder why in the world they labelled them "cosmetics?" LOL Great card today!

  11. This is great What a wicked little card you created Love it Thanks for playing with at Delicious Darkness

  12. I hope the box marked crafts holds all kinds of goodies for you! What an amazing image you used on todays card! Cool!

  13. Fab card hun. thank you fir joining us over on Delicious Darkness xx


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