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Using Images from Michelle Grant Designs

  I continue to use images from  Michelle Grant Designs I have a drawer full of printed images that I am trying to use! I am adding pages to...

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

New Challenge at Create and Inspire

Today another challenge starts at Create and Inspire!

Our challenge is always "anything goes"

This fortnight's fabulous sponsor is

I recently came across Ike's Pumpkinhead image.
I printed it out to colour but then decided I couldn't better Ike's version - so I printed a couple of the precoloured image and cut them out.

For some reason it reminded me of the children's rhyme

Peter, Peter pumpkin eater,
Had a wife but couldn't keep her;
He put her in a pumpkin shell
And there he kept her very well.

Peter, Peter pumpkin eater,
Had another and didn't love her;
Peter learned to read and spell,
And then he loved her very well.
I came across two images online illustrating this rhyme and decided to use these as well on a journal page.

These are accredited to WW Denslow

Totally different from Ike's image!!

I started by spritzing my pages with water and then spraying with Color Burst powders.
I then attached some orange spider web lace.

I really love the colours obtained with these powders!

I then added the images...

Do go over to Create and Inspire 
and see the winners from last time and the other fabulous DT makes.
I look forward to seeing your creations in the Challenge!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Oh WoW !!! Those pages are awesome. I love your spritzed and lace background and this is a fabulous way to illustrate that rhyme :-D
    Thank you for using one of my images and it was a pleasure to Sponsor you :-)

    IKE x

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  2. I'd hate to meet those pumpkins in a dark alley.
    Love the lady in the pumpkin.
    The lace really looks good on the page.
    thanks for sharing some fun pages.

  3. It looks so different... like pages of spooky stories. I like these spooky details.


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