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Mermaid ATCs

I have been taking part in the Conjuror of Dreams Progressive Challenge. The most recent image I have received is of a mermaid. I have used ...

Wednesday, 1 March 2023



How can it be Wednesday again? Thank you to all of you who commented on my blog last week - hope I get round to more of you this week!

 Anyway I am linking to the Stamping Ground!

Follow the link to find out more about What's on Your Work Desk Wednesday and maybe join in... This is my post for WOYWW #717

No Aquarobics class this week as I am staying at my son Matty's to help with the girls while he is busy with work.

SO my desk today is the dining table!

I am putting together a Wanderlust spread based on a workshop by Carolyn Dube. I am colouring some black and white photos with pastels.

I am at the stage of cutting words from book paper to add some descriptions.

The week has not gone quite so smoothly as usual as Isabell (10) developed appendicitis - she had to have her appendix out on Monday afternoon which meant a lot of time at the hospital. However all's good...

There was just an echidna in the garden - but he had hidden before I could get a photo!

My son got this photo - he's hiding in a pot!

Wishing you a happy week...

Happy  WOYWW!


  1. hope your time with your son goes better than it's started and Isabell is recovering well. Love the photos coloured with pastels. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  2. So glad to hear that Isabell is doing better after her operation Susan. Such a great set of photos you are colouring too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  3. Oh my I hope Isabell is recovering well, bit of a shock all round I expect, these things come on so quickly. Super spread. Hugs BJ#8

  4. Pleased to hear everything went well with the op and I'm sure she'll be fine. I am loving the idea of colouring the Black and White photos and hope we get to see how it progresses. Wishing you a happy woyww, Angela x9x

  5. I hope the little girl is ok, better to have the op and have no problems! You’ve been doing well with the pics whilst helping out with the family, hope you have fun!
    Hugs LLJ 11 xx

  6. Oh dear! you have had a busy time . . . hope everything sorts itself out soon
    Take care
    Christine #15

  7. Great idea colouring with pastels. Hope your granddaughter is fully recovered now. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

  8. Oh my sending Isabell get well wishes ⭐️💕❤️ so glad all went well. The girls will be enjoying having you ⭐️ I am loving your spread Susan,beautiful touch with the pastels 😍 sending love and hugs Tracy xxx

  9. Good luck with the colouring of the photos.
    So sorry you had a bit of an emergency whilst looking after the girls, I do hope she is fully recovered now from her operation and soon home.
    that echidna intrigues me, I am going to have to look him up.
    Have a better week
    Hugs, Neet xx 3

  10. Good morning, Susan. First off, I hope Isabell is recovering nicely. I have those pastels. Haven't used them in years. LOL I'd forgotten about coloring photos with them. Thanks for the reminder. Creative Blessings! Kelly #16

  11. Yikes! how did it fit in that pot? Glad the op went fine and your grand-daughter is all good. Love the spread so far, and OMG but isn't Carolyn Dube an inspiration? Love her!
    Happy late WOYWW, on the week that got away from me!
    Mary Anne (4)


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