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I have been taking part in the Conjuror of Dreams Progressive Challenge. The most recent image I have received is of a mermaid. I have used ...

Wednesday, 31 January 2024

WOYWW #765


It is Wednesday so I am linking to the Stamping Ground

Follow the link to find out more about What's on Your Work Desk Wednesday and maybe join in... This is my post for WOYWW #765

This is my desk today - we are back from our holidays, flying back on Saturday.
On the desk easel can be seen two of the junk journal pages I made using the cardboard box I upcycled:

The other journal page I haven't shared with you is this (which is at the top of the page). Some of the feathers are still on my desk...

All these were made before we went away.  I haven't really had the chance to do much crafting since we got back - just a few cards which will be blogged in the next few days... One is on the post before this, using up some of the butterflies that were on my desk!

Hope to get around to you all this week... 

Happy  WOYWW!


  1. Those are fabulous journal pages Susan. I particularly like the one with the feathers. Stay safe and Happy WOWYW. Sarah #2

  2. the feathers page looks stunning, I love that one as well. Glad you had a good trip and are safely home. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  3. Fantastic pages and loving the detail. I should think you're ready for a bit of a rest before getting started with crafting again. Have a great woyww. Hugs Angela x12x

  4. Lovely journal pages, Susan. The feather one is brilliant. I hoped for some nice, bright colours from you today as here is very grey and misty. Glad to see them!
    Take care and happy WOYWW
    Lynnecrafts 11 xx

  5. Lovely work Susan, the colours on the clock page are so vibrant!! You have been busy, Have a great week, love n hugs Cindy #15

  6. Great journal pages Susan. Love the feather one. Happy WOYWW Angela #14

  7. Oh I bet being home is lovely, but leaving was hard! It seems to have gone so fast, but any time with fam does that, huh! No doubt you'll be back in routine really quickly, loving all the cheery colours on these pages, definitely another of your many skills.

  8. You always have lovely bright colours on display and today is no different - I love that feathers piece, really beautiful.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  9. think I might add some die cut feathers to the painted mess I did this afternoon! Or maybe a ! have a great WOYWW week ((Lyn)) #16

  10. We have so many birds around, it's hard not to find feathers! But yesterday I noticed some fluffy white feathers on the ground in the driveway, I have no idea where they might have come from! So maybe there were angels nearby! Love the pages! Have a great first week of February! Lindart #18

  11. Gorgeous journal pages, so colourful. I really need to be more colourful in mine too. Hugs BJ#07

  12. Beautiful pages! I just love the angel quote and the page.!
    Chana Malkah, WOYWW #19

  13. Oooh I really love that clock face one and the rainbow backgrounds are fab! The feather piece really spoke to me too. I hope you had a great holiday. Sorry for the late visit - having issues with commenting in some places. Lisa-Jane #10

  14. Wow. I am so curious how you indorporate the cardboard pages into your journal! Bind them as loose sheets or tip-in or...? Love them, tho' s colurful and bright. I only just heard that saying about feathers last year - now I see it here!
    so so out of step - OMG! So late.
    Mary Anne (4)


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