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Mermaid ATCs

I have been taking part in the Conjuror of Dreams Progressive Challenge. The most recent image I have received is of a mermaid. I have used ...

Saturday, 19 December 2020

Tis the Season Day 41


Once again Leigh is hosting a "stay crafty @ home" Blog Hop to help keep our spirits high, creatively inspired and busy while celebrating the season safe at home during this terrible pandemic!
This is a 2 month long hop to celebrate Fall/Autumn, Winter, Christmas and Craftmas and the hop ends December 20 at 11:55pm pacific!  

Join in as little or as often as you like...

For more details go to

I will be sharing today's crafty make on Leigh's info page...


So now I have 11 felt bird ornaments on my string...

My most recent addition is based on a galah...

I styled my design in a similar way to the cockatoo but it seems to have turned out a bit "Homer Simpson-ish" - so may have another go...

Happy Hopping!



  1. I had to laugh when you said he is a bit "Homer Simpson-ish"... it never entered my mind until I read it... LOL... WOW 11 felt birds!!! You have been busy with the BIRDS! Great work!

  2. What a fabulous addition to your felt bird collection!
    Thanks for joining in on the 'Tis the Season Blog Hop!
    Stay Safe!


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