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Wednesday 23 December 2020

What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday #603


It's Wednesday again - so I am linking this post to the Stamping Ground.

Again a very busy week so not much crafting has been done.

Anyway here's my desk picture for WOYWW 603!

Rather a mess! The white basket is almost empty - it held the Christmas tags I made. Presents nearly all wrapped!!

I have been making more felt birds...

And I framed and hung some of my little landscape pictures...

But my journal page courtesy of Niamh Baly is still at the same stage.

Maybe I will be able to share it finished next week!

Currently however I feel a bit like this...

That was thrown up by Facebook memories - recently this has also reminded me of the following pictures. Kevin and I used to be involved in the Am Dram pantos when we lived in Abu Dhabi. We were often the front and back of a pantomime camel.

But one year we made and were the pantomime shark:

Just to finish though - a favourite photo - a very old picture of my brother and sister and I...

Any way just off to make gingerbread and mince pies - have finished most of the Christmas Day food shopping- need to check that list!

But here's wishing you all a very happy Christmas and let's hope 2021 is a better year!

Happy WOYWW !!


  1. Happy WOYWW. Thank you for sharing your wonderful photos. Happy memories. I used to be involved with Am Dram too - behind the scenes, I was always too shy to get on the stage. Merry Christmas. Ali x #5

  2. What fabulous photos of CHritmas past Susan. Merry Christmas and here's to a better 2021 for all. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #11

  3. Hi Susan. Gorgeous pictures - happy times with your siblings - and hilarious times in the AmDram group. A shark???!!! I was never really into amdram - but was a witch in a school production of the opera Dido and Aenaeus - not terribly edifying! But over the years I have made hundreds of costumes for church musicals - even a wicked king with a collar that stood to attention!
    Have a very special, happy Christmas.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  4. Your lovely blog made me smile this morning - the pic of you both in the Panto camel made me hoot, it’s brilliant! Did you have ‘discussions’ about who was going to be in the front?! Hope you have a lovely Christmas away from the madness!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxx

  5. LOL at your elf on the shelf, lying prone. And the little birdy garland is fab. I'll hope to see your journal page done, I like her style, and always love to see someone else interpret things in their own way. And the panto photos? A total joy, but not a patch on the vintage one. That should be a Christmas card image - it is holiday perfection!

    Merry Christmas to all of WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (3)

  6. Hi Susan, I love those felt birds, something you could just keep adding and adding too how fab. Hubby drew the short straw being the back of the camel hee hee.. but the last picture of you, your brother and sister is very special indeed. Take time to enjoy all your hard work this Christmas. Seasons WoywW greetings Tracey #6

  7. Lovely photos, the little felt birds are beautiful and I laughed at the camel picture! The one of you and your siblings looks so magical and special.
    Hope you have a lovely Christmas,
    Diana xx #18

  8. What a lovely picture of you and your siblings - childhood memories are so precious! Love your framed landscapes and the camel suit is hilarious! Have a lovely Christmas in Australia - I couldn't imagine having Christmas in the summer, but I guess it's just like everything else you get used to it. xx zsuzsa #21

  9. Love the childhood photo. And the bird banner is so cute! What a wonderful way to show off your landscape pictures. Love the exhausted elf. Anyway,,
    Merry Christmas and God bless!
    Carol N #29

  10. Sorry I missed you last week Susan. Live your bird banner and that last photograph is just so lovely. Have a great Christmas x Angela #19

  11. Happy WOYWDW and Christmas .lovely memories and pictures,

    Take care stay safe and well, Lilian B #14

  12. So precious! I love it all ~ the black and white and all the memory photos ~ I especially like the worn out elf! that's me as I'm almost done putting away all my Christmas wrapping and crafting stuff! Enjoy the season ~ Love, Karen #32

  13. Hi Susan, love the felt birds - and the photo of the elf not on the shelf, but flat on his back lol. I think I'll feel like that tomorrow when I have finished doing all I need to do. Beautiful photos of lovely memories. Have a great Christmas, Heather xx #30

  14. What a smashing post, Susan - I love seeing the photos of you having fun being pantomime animals, and as children at Christmas! As I write this I'm listening to old recordings Dad made of us kids when we were tiny, singing Christmas carols! I might try and post one next week! I adore your cute little felt birds - so sweet and colourful, and I love how you've framed your landscapes. The flat out elf is hilarious! I know that feeling exactly!!

    Thank you for your visit last week - I'm all behind I'm afraid! I did try crispy kale once and then promptly forgot all about it - I might try it again. Thanks for the reminder.

    Have a lovely Christmas and happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #25

  15. what great am dram memories, thanks for showing us! I was never even in the school play, never mind anything else! I'm a bit late visiting today, didn't get to drop round any desks at lunchtime (didn't have time to take one today!) Have a happy Christmas Helen #1

  16. Sorry I'm late it's been crazy here today, leaking washer and then fetching the Christmas order even the dogs didn't get their walk today but I'm here now. Loving your post today, great memories. Love the journal pages too. Hope you have the best Christmas possible. Hugs, Angela x10x

  17. What a lovely memory picture that is of you and your brother and sister. Fancy being a back or front end of s camel!...I been a Bubble Bee and got my picture in some paper once...luckily no one could see it was me. And son in law is on his last day of being a dinosour! Have a great rest of the week. Have a very Merry Christmas! Stay safe, Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) #24

  18. Oh loving your felt birds, I guess you are making all different sorts, cool. The old photo is so precious, I'd definitely want to scrapbook that one.
    Have a Happy Christmas, Love BJ#17

  19. Fabulous photos and memories, beautiful projects and designs.

    Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, hugs, Lori m


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