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Wednesday, 9 December 2020

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #601


It's Wednesday again - so I am linking this post to the Stamping Ground.

To be honest I had no idea whatsoever what day it was this morning - I had to ask my husband... Anyway he assured me it was Wednesday again as he had had a ukelele Zoom on Monday and then an India work Zoom on Tuesday...

And of course we had our WOYWW Zooms on Saturday. I was fortunate enough to join in the morning session...

I will try to visit as many desks as possible this week but as someone said - it takes a lot of time...

Anyway here's my desk picture for WOYWW 601!

Mainly you can see the start of a journal page decorated with some book page pieces.
I have been continuing making birds:

And we put up the Christmas tree:

My husband made me a whole forest of trees out of offcuts.  The tallest one also has lights through little holes - the smaller ones are too fat. They were spray-painted green and then I got my glue gun out and added some wooden embellishments.

And my husband had a bit of fun making this:

Our daughter had left some packaging at our house for her Dad to dispose of. I said the round bit looked like a snowman head - Before I knew it, Kevin appeared with this!

Happy WOYWW !!


  1. Hi Susan, great to see you on Saturday. The tree (all of them) look fab - what a talented hubby you have. the snowman is great too. Happy WOYWW Helen #3

  2. Clever guy! Love the snowman for sure! And your little birds are FAB. I think you could rival LLJ (and her changing festive hats) for body adornment if you were to wear them as earings...
    Lovely to see you on Zoom. I always visit!

    Happy WOYWW! (WowWee!)

    Mary Anne (1)

  3. Lovely to see the crafting of yours and your hubby’s! The forest and pelicans are really lovely and made me smile. It was fab to meet you on Saturday!
    Hugs LLJ 10 xxx

  4. Am I allowed to say I love your husband? ...and the snowman!! Hugs, Sue # 24. xx

  5. I love your decorations - those little trees are lovely and what a talented hubby you have, that snowman is great fun.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #20

  6. I was thrilled to see you on Saturday and I love those trees from wood offcuts. Your large tree is lovely, too. Your husband is clever with recyclables, which makes me happy. Happy WOYWW from #2.

  7. Hi Susan, lovely to have seen you on Saturday, it was just like the real thing- very little crafting and a whole lot of chatting! Usually we're getting fed cake & coffee as well, lol. Love the trees, and the snowman, very clever Hubby!Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #12. X

  8. Oh wow...love the photos, your husband is very talented, I just enjoy handmade decorations so much, these are all fantastic, hugs, Lori m

  9. Just love your decorations Susan and it was lovely to see you on Saturday morning!
    Take care and stay safe!
    Chrissie #6

  10. Your tree is lovely!

    Chana Malkah, #31

  11. Sounds like you're zooming all over the place LOL! It was lovely seeing you on Saturday and hearing your story about how you ended up in Australia. Lovely Christmas decs and a promising start to your art journal page! Happy #601! zsuzsa #23

  12. Susan hate I didn't get to see you in the afternoon session! Maybe next time! By the way, I NEVER know what day it is! LOLOL You are quite the busy bee and I'm loving your crafting! And WOW, your hubby can really throw things together! How crafty is he as well!! Happy Wednesday and many blessings! Felicia #29

  13. It was lovely to see you on Saturday. Loving the birds and the snowman is fantastic! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With Love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#33)

  14. Hi Susan, you're so right it was brilliant on Saturday and can't wait to do it again. I thought I'd never get to the posts today, three deliveries of craft stuff, one delivery of a surprise raffle prize, walking dogs, sorting mum's vaccination, trying to finish some cards and that's without the usual stuff like cooking Lol! Love your birds and the trees too. Wishing you a lovely creative week, Angela x19x

  15. Great to 'meet' you on Saturday Susan. Your hubby certainly has a talent for making decorations. Love the birds too. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  16. You are such a crafty pair. Great decorations from both of you Angela#25

  17. Great to see you on the Zoom, Susan, although it was difficult to have any sort of conversation with so many people and everyone talking at once! I love the little birds you have made.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi #18


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