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Mermaid ATCs

I have been taking part in the Conjuror of Dreams Progressive Challenge. The most recent image I have received is of a mermaid. I have used ...

Sunday, 12 April 2015

SLSLines Challenge #8 Anything Goes

Today another 'Anything Goes' Challenge starts at SLSLines...

and look at the lovely image I used for my DT make...

Cute Bird in Hat

I decided to make 3 ATCs this time and my inspiration was the Welsh Children's song which for some reason my daughter and I have been singing all Easter! You will find the words at the bottom of this post.
As you can see I added a roof behind the image and coloured the bird with 'wooden' legs and a white hat!
Each ATC was layered on various scraps of card.

Finally I added some embellishments...

Happy Crafting!!

Mi welais Jac y do
I Saw a Jackdaw
Children's Song

Mi welais Jac y do
Yn eistedd ar ben to,
Het wen ar ei ben
A dwy goes bren,
ho ho ho ho ho ho!

I saw a jackdaw 
Sitting on a roof top
A white hat on his head
And two wooden legs
Ho ho ho ho ho ho!

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