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Wednesday 4 November 2020

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #596


It's Wednesday again - I have had to ask my husband several times this week what day it is!

 It has been an emotional time with Mum's funeral on Monday. We obviously couldn't fly over but we could watch it on webcast. And, like with Dad's funeral in August, I recorded a poem to be included.

Anyway, with some easing of restrictions, we in Australia can now meet up to some extent. We have seen some of our family in twos or threes,
 and our daughter came to stay overnight on Monday.

I'm afraid I didn't do much desk visiting.

Hopefully things will begin to get back to some kind of normal as time goes on - but I know that things in the UK are getting more restricted...


 I am linking this post to the Stamping Ground.

Here's my desk picture for WOYWW 596!

Once again I am showing you my area for 'messy play'...

This is after I have been clearing up after an alcohol ink and gelli plate session. The following pictures are from yesterday - sorry they are a bit dark:

These were the end result - tag sized pieces.


Last week I showed you the Sharon Everett journal page:

A photo of this became a tag on Mum's funeral flowers...

Following on from a Tracy Scott workshop I did this doodle:

At every meal Mum used to say 'Do get on'...

Only 30 people were allowed at the Crematorium and because of Covid restrictions, no wake could be organised. Instead everyone that attended the funeral received an afternoon tea box with my tag and a little bottle of prosecco.


Despite all, I managed to finish 31 Days of Halloween, put in a few makes for the Cat Lovers Hop and now I am on to 25 Days of Christmas Tags which I have enjoyed for the last two years. If you would like to take a look, scroll through my posts...

I made a Diwali journal page (Festival of Light) but this was rather a cheat as I bought the hand-made and hand-painted mandala paper when we lived in Mumbai.
I just added the Ganesh and the bling.

Today I was very pleased to receive a box of goodies - most of these are for another virtual retreat in a couple of week's time.

As the weather is warming up here in Melbourne, it's time to barbecue - these pineapple rings were delicious!

On that note have a happy WOYWW!


  1. Attending funerals in these weird times must be bad enough but not being able to make your Mum’s must have been dreadful, I’m so sorry, I think all the little personal touches made such a difference. The ‘Now do get on’ made me smile so much as it’s just the sort of thing that my dear mum would have said too, they were of an era, those ladies.
    Sending hugs,
    LLJ 6 xxx

  2. Oh my. So sorry. But at least the technology must have offered SOME small measure of comfort. And I plan to take the "Now do get on" advice to heart. It is good and useful advice in so many situations. On a brighter note, your alcohol ink pulls are so very pretty. Will watch to see what you make of them!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (3)

  3. Hi Susan, it's at least good that you got to attend the funeral virtually, but even so, it must be hard. It's all part of the grieving process isn't it, and not being able to attend I'm sure makes that feel harder. What lovely touches you organised, though, and the journal page that became the card for the flowers is wonderful.Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  4. Barbecued pineapple rings - sounds weird and delicious at the same time! I've looked up the 25 days of Christmas tags challenge - it could be interesting! Love your prints - they're very colourful - I got more inks to play with too! So sorry you couldn't attend your mother's funeral but perhaps it was easier that way. Good that the restrictions restrictions are being lifted - we're only just going into a second lockdown. Have a lovely week! zsuzsa #19

  5. Susan, I just want to say that I am so sorry for your loss! It would be so hard not to gather with family at a time like this! I love all that you did that was incorporated in the ceremonies, so, so lovely! Also, you gelli pulls were gorgeous!! For the record Zsuzsa, barbecued pineapples are the bomb!!! I think it has to do with the salty and sweet together! Yummo! Have a blessed rest of your week! Peace and comfort to you, Felicia #28

  6. You have been so busy artistically Susan. So sorry you couldn't be at the funeral in person but what lovely gifts and tags. Love your gelli prints too. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  7. So sorry you could only attend your mums funeral via technology. And no wake either, such hard times when all you want us to hug people xx stay safe and take care Helen #2

  8. So sorry about not being able to attend your mother’s funeral. All these restrictions are so awful. I enjoyed the photo of your gel prints. So colorful and fun. Have a wonderful week. Dorlene #32

  9. It's a sad time right now. My father died in April and we couldn't have a funeral at all so he was taken away from the hospital directly to the crematorium so I understand how you feel. Lovely projects on the go, good job we have our crafting as a distraction. Take care and have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x18x

  10. Sorry to hear about the funeral... and how difficult things are at the moment!
    You seem to have been incredibly industrious! Love your gelli plate work!
    Take care and stay safe!
    Chrissie #12

  11. Hi Susan, so sorry that you were unable to attend your mum's funeral. I'm sure the tags were welcomed with everyone able to hear your mothers voice saying "Do get in". These restrictions are so very difficult at times like this. Take care, hugs Heather xx #8

  12. So sorry you could not attend your mum's funeral but the idea of the boxes with the tag and the prosecco was lovely. I think that was a really thoughtful touch to help celebrate your mum's life. When my friend passed we all got a bookmark instead of an order of service with a photograph of her and some words she had written prior to her death. It was a lovely touch and I am sure your tag will be kept just as the bookmarks were.
    Lovely gelli plate sheets and cards - and the pineapple rings look good too.
    Hugs, Neet 5 xx

  13. I attended a couple of remote family funerals a few months ago, Susan, and it was pretty weird. Compared with both my mum and dad's funerals which packed the church and lots of hugs and the whole extended family being together which isn't usually possible because of where we all live, and work etc etc, my aunt's funeral was a sorry affair, and we felt she deserved better. I think you did a lovely thing with your sweet gifts, and the beautiful tags on each one, which will make lovely keepsakes for everyone. I am so sorry you have lost your mum. We need hugs at times like this.

    Your alcohol ink gelli prints are fabulous! I am glad Zsuzsa has visited and seen them, because she's really into this at the moment! Such an interesting technique. I love the look of your bbq'd pineapple rings too - I'd never have thought of that! I buy a large fresh pineapple every week and just love it - I have it for breakfast every day!

    Thank you for your visit - I'm glad you enjoyed my various bits and pieces! We were in Newton Abbot again today for my eye appointment and it was so sad, again, seeing so many shops closed down etc. Fewer people about, of course, since lockdown #2 began today.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #17

  14. Sorry to hear you could not attend you Mums funeral but know she would just want you to stay safe, Love you gel prints great colours, great mandala,

    Take care and stay safe, Lilian B # 9

  15. Sad that you could not attend your mom's funeral. Your gifts were such a nice touch and I'm sure everyone enjoyed your poem. Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend!
    Carol N #24

  16. I’m sorry to be late! I take the opposite view really, before Covid no one had really thought about those that physically couldn’t attend a funeral. Watching it online is a far better option than sitting on your hands thinking about it on the day, I’m sure. In my experience too, it’s been a great help when talking about the service afterwards to have been able to be there virtually. And I think your poetry contribution and your presence on the tea boxes were a beautiful touch. Love the choice of your Mum’s phrase; isn’t it funny what springs to mind and endures as a happy memory. I glad that restrictions are easing a little for you, just when you need to be able to be with your family, huh. Love the pulling from your gelli session, wonderful colours, they’d re going to be really useful.

  17. It must have been hard not attending your mother’s funeral, you have my sympathy. Angela #20 Sorry I am so late this week.

  18. I'm so glad to see that you have been keeping busy Susan through the sad times, the luncheon boxes with your special tag on each is a very heartwarming idea. Thinking of you. Stay creative it's so good for our mind, body & soul xx

  19. ooh attending funerals virtually is hard (we had a friends) but your mum's must have been So difficult but the idea of the tea box and the bottle tag is a lovely idea.
    Hope the week hasnt been too hard and thanks for visiting my desk already

  20. Oh How hard for you not to be able to attend your Mum's funeral. Technology helps but doesn't completely replace the experience. Love all your creativity. Sorry for the extremely late visit. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

  21. Funerals are bad enough but not being able to go to your Mum’s must have been heart breaking. We watched my cousin's on a webvideo. It was done very well. but of course it can't be the same as being there.
    Youve been very busy crafting, lovely to see so much colourful fun!
    Sorry I'm late. Happy WOYWW< Lyn #25


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