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Wednesday, 4 August 2021

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday? #635


Wednesday again, so I am linking to the Stamping Ground.

 My picture for WOYWW #635 is in the utility room with the first layers of my Wanderlust 31 on show - this is a lesson with Kate Crane.

This is where my journal page has got to now...with a lot more layers...

I am writing this a bit later than normal - it is now half past six - I usually write this blog about 4pm - but this afternoon I was at the doctors getting my second Covid jab.

Hopefully I will have no ill effects...

Last week I showed you the tiles I made that I was going to add to another journal page inspired by Pride and Prejudice. This was the result.

The image transfer turned out a lot bluer than I expected...

Apart from that I have been making cards. If you scroll down my posts you will see my last ICAD mentioned....

and some quad easel cards which I have really enjoyed making.

And of course it is August...

and our new grandson, Oliver, was born on the 1st!

 I hope to share photos when I am allowed...
Restrictions mean we cannot go and visit him yet.

I did manage to go the Book Club last night - in a restaurant as that is allowed while home visits are not. We were discussing Graham Norton's Home Stretch. I think it got 3.5/5

Hope you are all keeping well... will try to visit each of your desks soon...

Happy WOYWW !!


  1. Cogratulations on Oliver's arrival Susan. I do hope you will be allowed to go and visit in person soon. Love the latest journal pages! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. Oh congrats on the new grandson! How lovely it must be. I love your page a la Kate Crane. She has always been an inspiration - so colourful and fun, yet with this hint of order in chaos that I so admire. Your colours are fab and the ICADs beautiful. Maybe one day I will take the plunge...Nice cards too. love the construction!

    Happy WOYWW.
    Mary Anne (1)

  3. How lovely to have a new grandson! I hope you get to visit soon. Love the ICAD and cards. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#18)

  4. You are super productive these days! We heard about the new restrictions in Australia - is it ever going to end? Congrats on the new grandie - how exciting - hope you can meet him soon! xx zsuzsa #25

  5. Congrats on the new grandson Susan! Hope you are able to visit soon. I haven't done the Kate Crane lesson yet, but I will get to it soon. Love love love the P + P page, as you know I am a big fan. Congrats also on completing all the ICADs, they look really great. Happy WOYWW! Elle #20 this week

  6. I hope you're feeling ok after the second jab. I love the Kate Crane inspired journal page - you can see her influence. It is gorgeous. Congratulations on your new grandson. Helen #4

  7. Hi Susan. Congratulations. I hope it won't be too long before you can go visit Oliver. You have obviously been keeping really busy - goodness. What a lot you have achieved.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #8

  8. Congratulations on your new grandson. Love the colours in your journal page. Happy WOYWW Angela #15

  9. Now that journal page is brilliant, love it to bits. A new baby, lovely. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x17x

  10. Lots of amazing people are born on the 1st August!! Lol, we may be 60 years apart but I share a kinship with Oliver already. Happy happy news, so pleased for you and the family xx. You’ve got such a wonderful array on display, the easel cards boggled my mind as to how they were constructed, they’re fun!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

  11. Aw, baby Oliver, shares his birthday with Jan! Congratulations, hope it’s not long before you can meet and cuddle. Those easel cars look very complicated! It’s almost as if to make up for not having multi multi media, they need to be engineered! Loving where your journal has got to, and the P&P page is great.

  12. Congratulations on the birth of baby Oliver, Susan! That's the third baby to make an appearance on WOYWW this week (as far as I've got down the list, that is!). How exciting. Hope you get to see him soon. I love all your projects this week - as always - so much talent!! I really love the bee card.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #11

  13. Enjoyed reading and looking at what you have been up to.
    I haven't been active on WOYWW for such a long time and I lost my Artistic mojo ages ago. I am hoping for inspiration looking at prolific artists like yourself.
    Congratulations on your new grandson

  14. Thanks for your return visit, Susan, and I'm glad you enjoyed my post. I'm really enjoying organising my dies - I think I'm going to use them a lot more now, as a result. I've run out of magnetic tape so I'm going to start organising my stamps next.

    Shoshi x

  15. Congratulations on the birth of your grandson, I hope you will be able to have a cuddle soon. Ani

  16. Oliver Oliver, never before...(I can hear a song coming on!) My grandson doesn't know that Oliver song so always asks 'why do you sing that nanny!? He decided a long time ago he wanted to be Oliver and not Ollie! Just like his mum wanted to be called Emma and not any kind of abbreviation of her name! I love the crfty things you are showing us this week especially the bee/fly! Fabulous! Happy very last weeks woyww!?((Lyn))#26


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