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Wednesday, 30 September 2020

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #591


Wednesday does comes around quickly!!

Once again I am showing you my desk,
linking this post to the Stamping Ground.

Here's my desk picture for WOYWW 591!

So what can you see?
A journal page in progress and a bunch of paints in Halloween colours...
A couple of Metcalf kits that my brother sent me - they arrived yesterday having taken a month to get here! Hopefully post between the UK and Australia will get back to the 3 - 5 days eventually...
You might be able to see a set of Crackerbox and Suzy Stamps just visible on the left hand side. They are mainly 'coffee' ones which reminds me - yesterday was the 
2020 National Coffee Day.

Thanks for your visits and comments last week.  I was interested to read that Shoshi's Dad also liked the pelican poem and that her sister read out a couple of Hilaire Belloc's poems at his funeral. I made a recording of me reading a couple of poems, to be played at my Dad's funeral, but I chose  A Farewell by Alfred, Lord Tennyson and I’d Like To Be A Teabag by Peter Dixon - This was another of my Dad's favourites!

You all seemed to like my Speckled Egg background... I followed that up with this card:

Apart from that I had a little play with some Mini Gel plates that just arrived in my letter box and I have been doing rather a lot of journal pages. This was after a Tracy Scott workshop

I have done several more pages in a similar vein since...

And then this was after watching a Niamh Baly video:

All the above are documented in my previous posts if you would like to scroll down...

I was hoping to show you a couple more things but they are still in progress!

Oh, I know what I was going to add - on Facebook memories this morning this picture popped up:

This is from two years ago and despite, at that time, having a large table on which to work, I was cramped into one tiny corner! And bottom left there are my Pride and Prejudice stamps...

And finally... this is our current veggie patch - about a twelfth of the size we had in England. however it looks as though we should get peas, beans and potatoes...

And the postie had just called - I know there are some craft goodies there...

Anyway, that's all for today - Happy WOYWW!


  1. All crafters seem to end up with a tiny workspace in the end Susan lol. Love the card and the journal pages. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  2. Your journal pages are so lovely - mine tend to lean more towards the grungy. And the lettering is really good. I am less brave on that count for sure.

    Enjoy the crafty post!

    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1, after a sleepless night)

  3. You look mighty organised Susan fab cards and I like your veg patch too!
    Chrissie #15

  4. Wow, I love that Christmas card! That's just my style and the one I'd buy in the shops to send to my friends - just gorgeous! The veg patch is looking good too, I've just taken down the last of my runner beans so it is bare now.
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  5. The card is simply stunning! The journal pages are great fun - I especially like the Art happens one. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#14)

  6. Hi Susan, yes, we crafters always end up working in a 6" square space no matter how big the desk! Gorgeous card, love that Speckled Egg colour.Love those vibrant journal pages, they are quite stunning. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz X #6.

  7. Hi Susan. I really like that Chrisatmas card - it is so lovely. Well done. My personal preference is the "Today is full of possibilities" page of your journals. Great colours. That veg patch is going to be really prolific come the summer - great work!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  8. Gorgeous things here! I love Niamhs videos she's fab . Helen #3

  9. That winter card is truly exquisite and the journal pages so playful and colourful. I'm afraid no matter how big a desk we have, we'll always be squeezed into a corner. That's just the way it is - something like a universal law LOL. It looks like your veggie patch is thriving - and much more manageable than a bigger plot! Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #21

  10. Happy WOYWW. Wonderful journal pages and card. I have a lot of space in my crafty room, but still often end up stuff piled on the floor when I am doing mixed media or stamping. I actually thought of getting another table, but in reality I can live without. I love your autumn blog background. One thing about using Wordpress is that I cannot easily change the design of my blog (took me 2 days last time I got bored!). Ali x #8

  11. Susan, I agree Sarah, we all seem to end up with TOO SMALL of a crafty space! But what I find interesting is that we artsy folks seem to operate in that said small space and adapt whilst turning out some pretty fab craftiness! Much like your precious card and your AMAZING journal page that I am in love with! Lots of amazing colors and doodling! I love it! I live in an apartment now and not able to have a veg patch anymore, which I miss terribly. Even more I miss being able to plant flowers as well!! But one day I will have my own space again and be able to do one of the other things I love to do!! Blessings for the rest of your week! Felicia, #26

  12. Hi Susan! I love seeing your beautiful cards. The first one with the wintery scene and trees takes my breath away. It's absolutely stunning. One day I might have to try the art journaling. Your pages are so vibrant and pleasant on the eyes. Your garden is beautiful. I am putting mine to bed now. The season for me is over. So it's wonderful to see yours. Have a wonderful week.
    Belinda #31

  13. It's a happy sound when the postman calls although post in the UK has been very dire recently, wondering if the new restrictions are limiting them in numbers. Beautiful cards and I adore your journal pages, looks like you have had great fun and found much inspiration from the workshops and video's online. Lovely woyww shares.
    Stay safe Tracey #7
    P.S Wishing you much success with your veg patch, if my wee garden was bigger, i'd definitely have one x

  14. I am so in love with your journal pages and the card too. Nice garden. Wishing you a happy week and a very creative woyww, Angela x12x

  15. That's a tease, we need to see the craft goodies! Lovely journal spreads. Would love to do a workshop like that x

  16. Lovely projects as always, Susan. I got a Tim Holtz glass craft mat last year and it is supposed to keep a nice big space clear for working, but somehow that doesn't work for me lol!! We all seem to get so much stuff and end up working on a postage-stamp sized area! Thanks for the mention of Dad and his favourite poems! I must look up that teabag one - I haven't heard of that before. Dad knew several Hilaire Beloc ones by heart - his two favourites were probably Mammoth Soup and the Yak. I do miss him so much!!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #20

  17. Just Googled the teabag poem - it's brilliant!! Dad would have liked that one too, I am sure. What fun. I love Earl Grey but my favourite is lovely smoky Lapsang Souchong.

    Shoshi x


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