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Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Spring/Summer Coffee Lovers Blog Hop 2020 Wrap Up

For those of you who joined in my little trivia game - thank you for playing!
Most of you got most of the answers correct!

I hope you enjoyed it!

Here are the answers:

My trivia question for Post #1 was:
People began drinking coffee…
A. During WWI
B. In the time of Christ
C. In the 9th Century

My trivia question for Post #2 was:
When you drink coffee, the caffeine is effective in your bloodstream…
A. Instantly
B. Within half-an-hour
C. Within ten minutes

My trivia question for Post #3 was:
More than ___ countries produce coffee.
A. 100
B. 25
C. 50

My trivia question for Post #4 was:
Coffee became a popular drink with newcomers to North America when…
A. The indigenous people taught them about coffee
B. The Boston Tea Party made tea hard to come by
C. Shepherds noticed that eating coffee beans made goats lively

My trivia question for Post #5 was:
Only ___ beats coffee as a traded commodity.
A. Water
B. Oil
C. Corn

My trivia question for Post #6 was:
In Italy, during the 16th century coffee was banned as being…
A. Over-stimulating
B. Satanic
C. Unhealthy

My trivia question for Post #7 was:
The meaning of the term “espresso” is…
A. Forced out
B. Expressive
C. Under pressure

My trivia question for Post #8 was:
Adding cream to coffee…
A. Cools it down
B. Helps it retain heat longer
C. Makes it more acidic

My trivia question for Post #9 was:
People who drink coffee are said to…
A. Have less risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease
B. Have more energy for a workout within half an hour of drinking a cup of coffee
C. Both 

My trivia question for Post #10 was:
In the 18th century, the Swedish government outlawed coffee and…
A. Coffee pots
B. Coffee cups and saucers
C. All coffee paraphernalia

And the winners...
I put all the correct answers in a hat and my husband drew out two names...

Charlotte aka Lady Joyful 


Verna Angerhofer

Please email me your address and I will pop something it the post - not sure how long this will take as the mail is taking such a long time at the moment -
but keep watching your mailbox!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Thanks so much. You contributions to the coffee hop are so fun with your trivia questions. My internet was off so often I was thinking I could not answer any but I finally got it done. And, I am following your blog by email now. Take care and stay healthy.


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