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  I continue to use images from  Michelle Grant Designs I have a drawer full of printed images that I am trying to use! I am adding pages to...

Monday, 14 June 2021

Time for a spin...

 Another post for Effy's Blog Along

As you may know we are still under restrictions here in Melbourne, so I have been watching quite a lot of online videos. One was from Hillbilly Scrappin which suggested using a salad spinner with your alcohol inks...

My daughter Sophie and I have played lots with alcohol inks but this was something new.
First we each needed a salad spinner - this was one thing we didn't bring in our shipping - Kevin said we never used it! Anyway I found one in a charity shop for 4 dollars and Sophie went to Kmart and got one for 9.

Because we cannot visit anybody's house Sophie and I then arranged to have an online Craft and Chat...

Oh what fun... this first picture shows a piece of yupo card placed in the bottom of the spinner with some blutack.

The first thing was to add isopropyl alcohol or blending solution to the card (I have various of these that came in spray bottles)  - then drips of alcohol ink - then spin.

Best to be in a well-ventilated room!

We discovered it was a good idea to let a layer dry and then add more. Some of my results have several layers. We also added more isopropanol between layers. It was all a bit of an experiment! In my picture the bottom two right used blending solution, the others uses isopropanol.

I decided most of mine reminded me of under water and  sea creatures - look at the bubbles in this...

As a consequence I am going to add this to LeighSBDesigns' Bubbly Depths Blog Hop

By the way the spinner will never be used for salad now...

So Happy Crafting!


  1. Wow,they are great . I've not heard or seen this method before. xoxo

  2. wow how fun are they! what a great idea, and ultimately nothing is off limits if we have the imagination to use it. :)

  3. What a great idea Susan! I have a salad spinner here that I never use either - I wonder?


    Di xx

  4. Such a great idea Susan your makes look fabulous and yes they for perfectly for underwater scenes and fit perfectly fir LeighSBDesigns Bubbly Depths blog hop!

    Val S - LeighSBDesigns DT

  5. Gorgeous bubbly depth colors! I bet a mermaid or octopus is lurking behind that marvelous blue ink! What a fun technique! Thanks for sharing!

  6. WOW these are awesome!!! Makes me want to find one at the thrift store and try this.

  7. Ahah! that's a cool and fun idea ;) As long as you remember not to use for your actual salad :p

  8. Oh what scrumptious crafty fun you've been up to! So happy you're making a splash with us this month and joining in on the Bubbly Depths Blog Hop!
    Stay Crafty and Safe!

  9. The things we think up eh, who would have though of a salad spinner having this alternate crafty purpose lol Love the one that looks like a blue underwater creature, that looks great. Elle xx

  10. Oh, that's such a cool idea. What super fun :-D Your results are gorgeous xo


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