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Using Images from Michelle Grant Designs

  I continue to use images from  Michelle Grant Designs I have a drawer full of printed images that I am trying to use! I am adding pages to...

Wednesday, 23 June 2021

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday? #629


Wednesday again, so I am linking to the Stamping Ground.

 The current restrictions have allowed us to come over to stay with our son and our granddaughters for the week. We are still wearing masks but otherwise pretty normal.

 My picture for WOYWW #629 shows the little bit of crafting that I have been doing - a little album made of black card - 4 pieces of A4 and 1 piece of 12 by 12. I saw this design on hillbilly scrappin. I am now embellishing it and adding tags...

Sophie and I have also been framing various photos for son Matty. We were working on the pool table...

So no ICAD or journal pages to share at the moment - will have to catch up when I am back home! Sophie and I have been to Spotlight several times and bought some crafty bargains. Again will share down the track...

To finish... some photos from here in East Gippsland.

Very peaceful...

The final picture is at Lakes Entrance - there are seals swimming in the water by the harbour wall.

Happy WOYWW !!


  1. Lovely that you can now stay at your son's and spend some time with the grandchildren, even if it means falling behind with your classes. I'm sure you'll catch up quickly once back home. The pool table seems very useful - I might need one LOL! Thanks for much my ATC and card - on my blog today! xx zsuzsa #21

  2. Ooh lovely, i blogged your card and atc today too. Hopefully you got mine (as not blogged it yet just in case) as posted it almost a month ago but know some of my post takes ages to get to my family in NZ.

    Kyla aka lilpidge

  3. How lovely to get away and share some good times with the family! You’ve done a great job with the photos (made me laugh that you were suing the pool table!). Great shots of the sea too xx
    Hugs LLJ 7 xx

  4. How nice that you can now visit AND stay over. Sounds as if you are having a lovely time with the young folks.
    Really enjoyed seeing the photographs - it certainly does look peaceful there.
    Hugs, Neet 10 xx

  5. How nice to get out and visit other people! Glad you are having a great time. I do so much miss Spotlight, it used to be my go-to shop. Love the photos of the water, looks very tranquil. Happy WOYWW! Elle #25 this week

  6. How lovely that you can stay with family again Susan. It looks like a tranquil place indeed. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  7. I am so happy to read you are spending quality time with your son and grands. That makes the isolation so much easier.

    How sweet you are crafting while there, even if I have to wait to see your ICADs till you get back home.

    Your son lives in a beautiful area. It truly IS peaceful and so beautiful, too. Who doesn't love seals and in their natural habitat, too. Happy WOYWW from # 5. Enjoy your time away, dear.

  8. oh, visiting family and the water!! I am very envious.. Enjoy and do remember to share your new goodies when you can! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  9. A lake so big it has a harbour! beautiful photos, nice that restrictions are allowing you about a bit, bit like here really, most things accessible but masks are still a must wear. I suspect that the pool table is the most perfect flat surface, do you experience nagging to protect the baize?!!

  10. Lovely photographs Susan. Enjoy your stay with your family. Angela #9

  11. Beautiful photographs and so pleased to hear you are able to visit your family. Have a lovely time. Hope you are having a very happy woyww. Sending hugs, Angela x17x

  12. Lovely to hear you can finally visit and stay with family! I wish - son is in San Fran, parents &brother in VA, sister in NC and in-laws in PA (all in the US) so not happening anytime soon. Off to check out your little book link (I am such a sucker for mini-books I can't resist!) and thanks again for the ATC!

    Catching up - Happy WOYWW on Thursday!
    Mary Anne (3)

  13. Thanks for visiting me earlier. I have a little break while waiting for my next customer so I’m making the best of it.
    How lovely to have spent time with family. Your photos are gorgeous.
    Annie x #13

  14. Happy Belated WOYWW. We are starting to spend time with family. Met my mum last week for lunch and a woodland walk, and hoping to go to her flat when we are in her area next in August. We live several hours from most family, so we don't see each other too regularly anyway. My stepdaughter and her 2 young children are moving to the house we have just bought, so will only be a 20 minute drive away. I think we will be on Grandparent Duty often! I love mini books and planning to make some soon, rather than just doing scrapbook layouts. Ali x #24

  15. Thanks for the visit. Had lots to do outdoors with our beautiful weather. Now storms in the forecast Love all the photos you've shared. Great to have some family time. Enjoy

  16. Susan, soooooo glad the restrictions have lifted enough that you can visit your son! I know it has been harder for you folks across the pond. I don't know what I would have done without immediate family living close by throughout all the hooplah last year! That journal cover is gorge! Can't wait to see the pages on the inside!! The water pictures are beautiful and do indeed look peaceful as you said! Enjoy your time with your family! Thank you for stopping by my desk and can't wait to start on my kit! It is to come today! Blessings, Felicia #22

  17. Great to be able to spend some time with your family, Susan. Your new album looks as if it's going to be interesting and I'm sure you'll share the results with us in due course. Lovely photos of your surroundings too!

    Thank you for your visit. The sorting is going well but still quite a bit to do. It's been set aside until I can get my computer set up again. Cindy is dealingwith some family issues at the moment so she hasn't managed to send the ToDo yet, but I'm more than happy to wait - lots to do in the meantime!

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #12

  18. How wonderful to be able to spend some time with your family. Thank you for your visit - I am delighted to tell you that your ATC arrived safely thank yoU!. Happy Belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#23)

  19. Ooh YAY I am so excited for your family that you can be together Susan, it does look so peaceful there. ~Stacy #27

  20. OH what lovely pictures you are so lucky to be able to get there and visit family have a great time, its must be lovely to meet up. Take care and stay safe. Lilian B # 19


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