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Wednesday, 25 October 2023

WOYWW #751


It is Wednesday so I am linking to the Stamping Ground

Follow the link to find out more about What's on Your Work Desk Wednesday and maybe join in... This is my post for WOYWW #751

SO here's my desk!

We came over to son Matty's for the week to look after the granddaughters so I came armed with various crafty implements. I have been continuing adding to my Halloween album - you can see what I have been doing in nearby posts! I have sent a dozen Halloween cards to people in the UK who are amongst my crafty friends - I have just finished and sent 9 Diwali cards to a similar set.

Apart from that we went to see Paul McCartney last Saturday - an amazing show, seeing an 81 year old singing s three hour set. The audience really enjoyed singing along!

Matt has avacado bushes and cacti growing in his garden:

I was trying to show you a video of the birds nesting in his gutter but the file was too big...so here are pictures of Paynesville, just down the road, where there are many birds on the lake...

Wishing you a happy week...and hope to get around to you all this week...
Happy  WOYWW!


  1. Wow. 81 and still going strong! Your journal pages are wonderful, but I have to say I am most envious of the Avocado bush! The Hubster is from Cali and his granny had a grove. Nothing like one warm off the stem... Oh to live by the water. I guess I am envious of THAT too!

    Getting visits in early on DDs Birthday!
    Mary Anne (3)

  2. Glad you enjoyed the concert, that's pretty good going . Great Aus photos again ! Happy woyww Helen #4

  3. Well I'm glad you enjoyed the concert, you've got to hand it to him, that's some age to be doing it at! Hope you're having a nice week with your grandees, imagine being able to slip outside and pluck an avocado for a meal! What a difference working on black pages must be to your mindset in terms of just reaching for supplies and colours. Bit of a work out for my brain just thinking about it!!

  4. Wow, amazing to see Paul McCartny, he musy have some stamina!! You have been busy with your Halloween makes, I/m not sure about working on a black album although I do have one in my stash. I have never seen an avocado 'growing'. How wonderful. Have just had a surprise visit from my little grandson - only been here an hour and I need a lie down!! Enjoy, they say it keeps us young. Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #9

  5. Amazing to see Paul McCartney, 3 hours is a long time at his age, he must keep himself fit. Happy WOYWW and have a great week. Angela #15

  6. Sounds like a great night out and it's great to see Paul still going strong. Wishing you a fun woyww, Angela x10x

  7. How great to see Paul McCartney in concert Susan. Enjoy your avocados too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #5

  8. Hi Susan... what a treat to see Sir Paul in concert! Hard to believe he is 81!!! Love the pictures. Thanks for sharing. Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #16


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