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Wednesday, 8 July 2020

WOYWW 579 - What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday?


It's Wednesday and I am here again...linking this post to the Stamping Ground.

Actually this Wednesday is going to be memorable.

 As of midnight tonight Metropolitan Melbourne will be in Stage 3 lockdown again, because we seem to be in a second spike of Covid. Once again we will only be allowed out of the house for 4 reasons, shopping for essential supplies, exercise, work if cannot be done from home and medical reasons. I am so pleased that our granddaughters and their Mum and Dad managed to visit last week - and that we have been able to see the other members of the family in groups of up to 5 in the last couple of weeks...

So all the ironing will be done, I will have read all my books, I will have to go back to the keep fit videos - and my craft room will be the place where I will be....will I have enough stuff??

Anyway back to my desk for WOYWW 579!

I thought I would show you a different work surface in my craft room today. I have been using it to do some backgrounds with Distress Oxides and stencils. Notice I was using the Stay-tion and that I like to stand up to do these.

If you look at the bigger picture you might notice some of my finds from 'junk shops' - the work box painted with fish, and on the top a small 4 drawer cabinet - this may get altered when I have a moment!

Because we have just moved into a rental rather than our permanent new home, we have been trawling the auctions, charity shops and freecycle to help furnish this place. It would be a mistake to buy things that might not fit into a different place.

Freecycle can be amazing - we picked up these bar stools - all I had to do was reupholster them!

Then the other day we picked up this ute-load - look at the lovely driftwood...

I was very pleased with the 20s sideboard!

But to get back to WOYWW...
I have been very interested while hopping, to see some of the UFO's that have emerged.
And I thought I better have a look in my work boxes to see what I need to finish...Of course I hadn't forgotten this quilt, I had just put it on one side(!)

I started it while I was living in India in 2014 and it is all hand sewn. This is as far as I got then:
I posted this rather fuzzy photo on Facebook on June 5th 2014 stating that I was on the next step...

This is what it looks like today:

Maybe I should get on with it!!

All for now... Happy Crafting and happy WOYWW - and thanks for visiting!


  1. I am sure more parts of the UK will be back in lockdown soon too. Leaving things to people's common sense here doesn't seem to work.... Your junk trawling seems very effective and I love that throwaway comment "all I had to do was re-upholster the chairs" Well done being able to! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  2. Lots of lovely things to have a peek at today and, like Helen, I am super impressed by your ability to turn a hand to anything! I'm so pleased that you managed some family time before the secon lockdown, I was reading about it on the news yesterday. Hope you are all ok.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  3. Wow Susan, you really are nearly there with the quilt, and it’s gorgeous! Oddly enough, I prefer to stand for inking and sponging stuff...for me I think its because I change my mind so often about colour combinations that it’s easier to just step to the ink/pad section of my shelves than to keep getting up and sitting down. Inherently lazy, see. I love the ‘20s sideboard, that mirrored upstand is just lovely isn’t it. Good timing with the family, hope the new lockdown doesn’t cause you too much grief. Gotta be done. Stay well.

  4. You've found some wonderful treasures in your searching - I love the sideboard, it's so elegant and the bar stools are fabulous. I'm super impressed that you upholstered them yourself - it's not an easy skill to master.
    I heard about your lock down on the news yesterday - how great that you were able to catch up with family before it came into force again.
    Stay safe and well,
    Diana x #14

  5. Your new lockdown was on our news this week. It must be tough after tasting a bit of normal life again, although I don't think you'll be on your own, I suspect many places will follow, we need to keep our crafting and reading and stuff at hand don't we! Love all the bits and pieces you've found to furnish your home, especially those bar stools.
    Take care and stay well
    Lisa x#17

  6. That's a bummer being locked down again. I really wonder where people have their brain. Sorry not helping to be angry though. I love your quilt and admire that you have the patience to make it. It looks wonderful!!

    Thank you so much for sharing!

    Happy WOYWW
    Mariane #18

  7. Sorry you are having to stay in again - I think it will happen a lot here in the UK too - shame we just don't teach common sense anymore. Your finds are great . Have a good week . Soojay #19

  8. If only people would use more common sense this wouldn't happen. In the UK they opened some bars at the weekend and on the news they showed parts of London full of people and non of them were wearing masks or distancing. These people are so stupid and selfish, they think that because they show no signs of the virus that they're okay but as we know now you can have it without any symptoms and be passing it on to other people. However on a brighter note, loving your furniture collection. Over the years I have collected more second hand furniture than new stuff. My favourite is a dressing table that we got from one of the airforce bases near where we live. It would have been from the second world war so about the 1940's but I have older stuff too. I must say the quilt looks stunning now but will be even better when it's finished. Have a lovely and productive WOYWW, Angela x15x

  9. Hi Susan. Oh my - right back to where you started. My Aunt and Uncle live Melbourne way, and I can't imagine how they are coping at the moment being almost 90. I wish you well.
    I LOVE that sideboard! It's beautiful - well found. All the best with the quilt... you'll get there - it only took my 25 years to do that tapestry from last week!!
    Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
    Margaret #3

  10. Hi Susan, I won't be at all surprised if we end up back in lockdown, in fact I'll be amazed if we don't. People just seem to be behaving as if it's all over & done with. Love your furniture finds, and thats such a smart way to furnish a temporary property. Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #5 X

  11. Hello Susan, I did a quick double check to see if 2014 was right! Then I remembered a cross stitch that I hoped somebody was going to finish for me as I can’t manage it anymore! It predates 2014 by a few years, I keep forgetting to ask anybody either that or I think my hands will suddenly improve! Sorry to hear you are back in Lockdown, I am expecting to hear more places going back in the next few months.

  12. So sorry to read that you are in Melbourne and back on lockdown. The way things are in our town I would not be surprised to find that we are shortly. We have risen from low and zero figures to 12 last night. Scary, especially as I have a cardiology op pending this month.
    Just hope yours does not last too long and that you get lots of crafting done and finish your Indian piece.
    Hugs, Neet 11 xx
    ps love the sideboard

  13. I heard the news about the second wave, I fear this for us all and making preparations just incase.
    Good job on your furnishing and finds, they will suit you well until you finally settle down. Take care during lockdown part two.. and make sure you get some crafty time. WoywW Hugs Tracey #12 x

  14. What a lovely quilt Susan, I look forward to seeing it finished. Hope the second lockdown doesn't need to be too long. Stay safe and happy belated WOYWW. Sarah #1

  15. Beautiful craft room and great finds on the upcycle goods. Hugs, Lori m

  16. HI Susan, I am a stand up crafter for the most part, I do sit to color with pencils and markers though. Love that quilt. I suspect that we really have not had spikes or flattened curve, that the lock downs are just slowing the spread a little and this is going to drag on for a long while. at least you got some snuggles in recently. :) ~Stacy #28

  17. Just wanted to say hello. I'm sure we will find ourselves back in lockdown before too long. People not very sensible. Take care. Anne X 25

  18. Oh gosh a 2nd lockdown, hope that ends soon.
    Love all your thrift shop buys especially the bar chairs that you re-upholstered, I did a bit of that a few weeks back. Can't wait to see the quilt "finished" BJ#24


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