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Wednesday, 29 July 2020

WOYWW 582 - What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday?


It's Wednesday and I am showing you my desk again...linking this post to the Stamping Ground.

Here's my desk picture for WOYWW 582!

Images to colour and some stencils I want to use with Distress Oxides...

I finished my quilt - and thought it would look nice hanging from the end of our IKEA bed.

Comment from my husband - couldn't you have made it wider?

 As this was not purposely designed I may have to do just that - make something the correct shape. In my 'to do' box I have a number of swap squares, again from the time in India. Each of us appliqued a dozen or so squares and swapped so we each had one of each. Next step is to embroider them -of course I didn't get to that stage, so I am summoning energy to make a start on this!

Rather than something huge like this I turned to my little cross-stitch bag that I usually take on holiday... There's a few projects on the go in there.

I decided to finish this Christmas decoration that I started in time for last Christmas - at least it will be done by this Christmas!!

Finally, that lovely box - so far it has become another surface to put things on...

All for now... Happy Crafting and happy WOYWW - and thanks for visiting!


  1. the quilt looks fabulous! Not a very helpful comment from your hubby - although it seems to have spurred you into further action! I do love a good dumping ground so the box seems to be coming in useful ha ha! have a good week. Helen #4

  2. Ah, surfaces are so useful, however temporary your intention or location! You’re a demon at the cross stitch, that little fairy is gorgeous, fancy having a bag of stuff on the go! Love the quilt, it’s beautiful. Your husbands comment could have come from any number of left brainers, ‘it doesn’t fir’ or ‘its not straight’ are oft repeated sentences here.....!

  3. A beautiful quilt Susan. It looks great. Rather than make a whole new wider quilt, what about a couple of narrower panels to hang either side? The cross stitch is coming on well. Look forward to seeing it hanging on your tree later this year. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #10

    1. My cousin also suggested this Sarah... Unfortunately I don't have any of the edging or backing fabrics any more. The kimonos themselves were made of scraps so they would be OK but again I couldn't follow through.

  4. The quilt is perfect, don't change it but you can give your hubby a clip round the ears!! Lol. My eyes were caught by your little penguin bag from the RNLI - I volunteer in the RNLI shop in my little harbour town and we still sell bags like that but with new designs!! Unfortunately we've been shut for most of the year cos of COVID, but did really well in 2019.
    Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

    1. We have always made a point of supporting any RNLI shop we come across. This bag came from Beaumaris where we sailed in the Straits Regattas for many years. We lived in Moelfre for several years and saw the lifeboat station there being replaced and made into the current centre.

  5. Gosh you are and have been busy. I’m super impressed with your quilt Sarah. I love the colours.
    Have a good week
    Lynn x 13

  6. What a lovely job you made of the quilt. Should imagine it is easy enough to add some more squares to it and widen it to satisfy hubby.
    Gorgeous little angel you are doing - that will be lovely at Christmas.
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  7. Morning Susan. That quilt is incredible - something that has just never taken my fancy to have a go at... but you are brilliant. I'd never have the patience for it!! Those little squares are gorgeous, too - enjoy embroidering them... when everything else is done. Gorgeous little cross stitch bag - and I like the not quite finished yet project!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  8. Your quilt looks fab just as it is above your bed! It's really lovely. xx Jo

  9. Hi Susan, my craft room is like the box, lol. Any surface gets stuff piled onto it! Great job on the quilt, and love the new squares you have to work with.Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 X

  10. That quilt hanging is amazing - men!! can be counted on to make the most helpful comments !! I LOVE the cross stitch Angel too. Thanks for the lovely comments on your visit earlier. Have a great week . Soojay xx

  11. Love the quilt, Susan, and a typical hubby comment if I may say so! Just the sort of thing mine would say! You've got a lovely lot of projects on the go at the moment. Thank you for visiting and I'm glad you like my tiny carpets! The new magnifier is brilliant and well worth getting in my opinion. Like you, our sitting room light is far from adequate for fine stitching. Glad you like my ancient outfit too! Castle Drogo is fabulous. You are right about the renovations - they had huge problems with a leaky roof. We had a talk about it at our local ileostomy group and it was fascinating, the NT lady showed us loads of pictures of the work, and took us to places the public never sees. We haven't been since they began the work which was some time ago now. It's one of our local NT places.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #12

  12. I love your quilt - naughty hubby! What a lovely lot of busy projects you have going there. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#8)

  13. Hi Susan, gorgeous quilt. It's a wonder you didn't tell your hubby where to get off with a comment like that. Looks like you're going to be busy again soon with the plans you have for more projects. Have a lovely crafty woyww, Angela x14x

  14. So happy you are joining in with WOYWW, we are back home Friday so once I have recovered from the travelling I shall be in my craft room x

  15. I love the quilt you are so clever. The bag is sweet and you have a lovely lot of things to do,

    Lilian B #24

  16. Hi Susan! I really like how your lamps has two "arms" - I've never seen one like that before - looks like a good idea! Love the quilt - you can always turn it into a wall hanging and make another one big enough for the bed. Your husband probably didn't realise just how much work goes into these when he criticised its size LOL! Happy belated! zsuzsa #23

    1. Yes - it's brilliant - can have either one arm on or two...really useful when the light fails in that corner!! Got it from Bunnings here in Australia and it was on offer and cheap!!

  17. Super quilt, husbands eh!!!
    Love the squares are you going to use those to make the bigger sized hanging as per husband's comment?
    Thanks for the visit BJ#11

    1. That's the plan but I have many other things on the 'to do' list before I start on that!! Lockdown does mean I am getting through them though!

  18. I try and do a cross-stitched christmas ornament every year. It's become a bit of a tradition! Trouble is, so many ornaments, how to choose?

    Great work with the quilt, it's not something I've ever really got into. Again too many hobbies, too little time.

    Have a good weekend!


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