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Tuesday 5 November 2019

Round Up of 31DOH Spot Prizes....WINNERS!

Once again Leigh hosted 31DOH!

Oct 1 - 31, 2019

Thought I would start this round up with a picture of the fabulous handmade Halloween cards that I received this year:

No photo description available.

During the Hop I offered some Spot Prizes - everyone who emailed me with an answer went in the hat with the chance to win a prize...

(and by the way I am doing a similar thing with the Coffee Lovers Hop!)

Thanks to those of you who joined in the game!! Well done to those of you who answered every question!! Hope you had some fun...!

My winners are


Suzanne Harkinson

Lyneen Jesse

Please email me with your address and your prizes will be put in the post shortly!


I will just recap on the answers...

Spot Prize 1: How many times have I taken part in 31DOH?
Well, I first took part in 2014 so this is my 6th attempt!

Spot Prize 2 - What the origin of this quote:

Poem written by John Keats

Spot Prize 3 - What is the meaning of 'Or bed'?

On the net this is variously written as 'Or bed' or 'Orbed'.
My take on 'orbed' is that it means a full moon. I think it is written 'Or bed' to give the pronunciation as two syllables - but it could also mean the moon has risen from its bed and is out of bed... what do you think?

Spot Prize 4
I wonder if you can spot the deliberate mistake in this photo?
On the ATC with the bat the background paper is upside down.

Spot Prize 5 - a pumpkin trivia question...
In North and South America, what did archaeologists find to show that pumpkins had been around for hundreds of years?
(a) Pottery with pumpkin designs and shapes

Spot Prize 6 - another pumpkin trivia question...
In the nursery rhyme, "Peter, Peter Pumpkin Eater" what did he put in his pumpkin shell?
(c) His wife

Spot Prize 7
Please tell me the origin of today's quote:

Act 2, Scene 2, of Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.

Spot Prize 8 - another pumpkin trivia
Pumpkin Juice is a popular drink where?
(d)  At the Hogwart's School of Witchcraft (Harry Potter)

Spot Prize 9  
This is a very old Halloween make of mine - a small fat page that I made to illustrate a verse from a poem.
Can you tell me the poem (and writer) the verse came from?

Haunted Houses,  - 1807-1882

Spot Prize 10  
In 2016 my Halloween make for 31DOH was a fat book illustrating a poem.
Can you tell me the poem (and writer) this came from?

THE HAG by Robert Herrick

Spot Prize 11

In ancient times, the Jack O'Lantern's purpose was what?
(c) To ward off evil spirits

Spot Prize 12
Carving pumpkins originated in what country?

(c)  Ireland
Spot Prize 13
How many countries do you think celebrate Halloween?
OK - so this was a difficult one...
I am going to say about 25 and refer you to this website
Countries that celebrate Halloween

See you next year!!


  1. Thank you!!! I love playing the trivia.... that last one stumped me!!!! Congrats to all the winners

  2. Congrats to the lucky winners. Your blog was a very fun place to be. Hugz

  3. Congrats to the winners! Love this kind of trivias!!!
    I love all the cards that you received!!!

  4. Thanks so much! I don't send many Halloween cards but there is always next year. Congrats to everyone who entered.

  5. Thank you so much! Congratulations to the winners.


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Those leaving a comment on any post on this blog do so on the understanding that their name and personal details will be visible to anyone who visits this blog. On entering a piece of artwork into any competition or giveaway that I might promote, they do so in the knowledge that their name and blog link are visible to all who visit this blog and in so doing have published their own personal details and consented to our use of that personal information should it be selected as a winner - thanks.