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Wednesday, 17 February 2021

What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday #611


I don't think any of the deskers will want to say 'happy' WOYWW today.

Very sadly, Shaz lost her fight against cancer last weekend...

My thoughts are with Doug and all her family and friends.

In my post linking to the Stamping Ground I am just going to show tidy desks...

Here are my desk pictures for WOYWW 611

The second one shows my journal with a very grungy Valentine journal page. 

I am waiting to turn the page...

I would also like to share one of the window cards I have been making this week, using texture paste though a stencil and alcohol ink background behind.


  1. No, it is a very sad day today. I do however, love your valentine page, and the window card, like Shaz, brights light and colour to the world. Take care. Helen #2

  2. Love the Valentine journal page Susan. Sad day indeed. Stay safe. Sarah #6

  3. I love the texture on those hearts and that window is really clever. Much love on this difficult day, Lisa-Jane #7

  4. A very sad WoywW indeed but there's a whole lot of love in your journal page. Rip dear Shaz. Creative wishes Tracey xx
    I hope the snap lockdown ends soon for you all, stay safe x

  5. I guess you’re back in lockdown Susan...stay safe and don’t lick anyone. Top advice that! We are all very somber today, no doubt, but I can confidently say that Shaz would like to know that your desks, whilst tidy, are actually just poised and waiting for you! Managed to avoid references to Valentine’s Day until the day, when our daughter messaged us at lunchtime to see if we were doing anything in particular....we hadn’t even noticed! Seem to be getting used to living in lock,down. Ugh!

  6. A very sad day indeed, but we can continue to do craft in her memory, and you are very prepared for that.
    Thanks for sharing
    Chris #15

  7. It is a sad day for sure, but knowing Shaz, even as little as I did, only thru WOYWW and a handful of crops, I know sharing beautiful art in tribute to her would have made her happy.

    Hugs to all on a sad WOYWW day.
    Mary Anne (1)

  8. Yes, it’s a sad day for us all which goes to show how close we all are through WOYWW. Shaz would be saying for us all to get a grip though, she was that kind of gal. I think your grungy hearts are fan but I really love the stained glass window, great colours!
    Hugs LLJ 9 xxx

  9. Beautiful thoughts for a beautiful lady, yes praying for her family too esp dear Doug . ..... thinking and praying for you all in Victoria too, Susan, no fun.
    I do love the card, very good complement to alcohol ink background and fun valentines too.
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  10. Morning Susan. A lovely, lovely card there. Reminds me of Shaz's hair!
    You must be back in lockdown. I wish you well. We haven't come out of it yet, but are expecting to hear something soon...
    Every blessing. Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #29

  11. Ooh, I love that stained glass window - how effective is that! Love your grungy Valentine page too, I am not in a soppy mood at the moment so it fits with me perfectly.
    Hugs, Neet 17 xx

  12. I love your Valentine page a beautiful stained glass window.
    Take care . soojay 32

  13. You utility area is just perfect for messy crafting - with the sink right there! I miss that! Loving the Valentine spread and the Window card looks awesome with the alcohol inks! Take care, hopefully your lockdown won't last long! xx zsuzsa #31

  14. Susan, high five for your tidy space and I love your journal spread. But I realllllly love that card! It's fabulous! Really love how you did that!! Blessings to you and have a wonderful rest of your week! Felicia #34

  15. Great projects both of them. Hope you have had some success keeping the birds off your peaches x Angela #21

  16. A busy desk as always and the grungy Valentine page looks very intense as though it's hiding something. A deep secret perhaps? No Happy from me this week, so...Stay Safe, keep crafting! WOYWW? 611((Lyn)) #13

  17. Super Valentines Day page.

  18. Your valentine page is awesome! The stained glass is beautifully executed!
    Chana Malkah #36

  19. Such a sad time for us all, Susan. Our thoughts and prayers are with Doug and the family. Your Valentine page is gorgeous, as is your fabulous window page! Thank you for leaving a comment on my last week's blog post, which I'm glad you found amusing! Rainbow lorikeets are absolutely beautiful. I showed my hubby a picture and said I'd be happy for them to eat my peaches because they are so pretty, and he replied, "I wouldn't. I'd tell them to go and eat somebody else's peaches." Lol!! Hope they leave a few for you to enjoy! Such a lovely picture - peaches ripening in the sun and beautiful birds - and here we are in rather dank and damp and cold UK! Roll on he spring!

    Have a good week.
    Shoshi x #25

  20. Yes it is a sad day isn't it - I think we are all still reeling from the news. I do love your grungy Valentine pages, they are fab, and the window is gorgeous - those colours just pop behind the black window frames.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #22

  21. Hi Susan, it really has been a sad week, with a lot of tidying and not much crafting! Your stained glass is gorgeous, very effective. I completely forgot about Valentines Day, but so did hubby so it didn't matter! Take care, Heather xx #19

  22. Sad indeed but also lovely to hear such beautiful words from everyone about Shaz. Hopefully lockdown is over for you and you can get out and about past 5kms. Have a creative week as your desk looks full of potential.
    Sandra de @28

  23. I started off okay today with the visits, walked dogs and went into the cabin and now I don't know where the time went to! Shaz will never have really left us because her blog will keep her alive for us and I can tell you it wont be the last time I pop over there for some ideas when I get stuck, God Bless her. Loving your journal pages and the card too. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela,x18x

  24. Thank you for another comment, Susan. I'm glad you enjoyed your visit to my blog.

    Have a great week,
    Shoshi x #25

  25. Hi. Thanks for visiting. Love the Valentine page and the Window Card. Anne x 33

  26. I love your window card in particular
    sending hugs
    Lynnecrafts 30


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