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Mermaid ATCs

I have been taking part in the Conjuror of Dreams Progressive Challenge. The most recent image I have received is of a mermaid. I have used ...

Thursday, 16 September 2021

Blog Along With Effy Post 16


Once again Effy is doing a month-long Blog Challenge on Facebook.

I mentioned yesterday the above page inspired by Niamh Baly. I have done quite a few of Niamh's workshops. Mostly one or two page ones but the rainbow one that starts a little way in, in the little video, was 8 pages. I was pretty pleased with it apart from my writing!

Someone mentioned that the Irish spelling of Niamh's name is quite odd. To pronounce it, it is 'Neeve' - which got me thinking about name pronunciations. I have a few Welsh and Irish friends Sian ('Sharn'), Ioan ('Yo-ann'), Owen ('Oo wan'), Siobhan ('She-vorn')... Then I know two English people called Leonie - one is 'Lee-owe-ni' - the other thing is 'Lee-un-i'.

I am sure many kids read Hermione quite incorrectly - I remember reading Penelope as 'Penny-lope' as a child and Anemone as 'Anny-moan'. My Dad always called asparagus Aspa-rar-gus and Egypt as Egg-white as jokes. I think the Eggwhite one may have come from his Navy days.

English is a funny language!

Today's journal page is this - in my little kraft journal. This was inspired by Mel at Scrapbookingncraft

Kevin continues with his boat renovations - it is really good for him to have lockdown projects - but midnight tomorrow our restrictions are easing slightly!

Gradually more people are getting vaccinated...

Today's Facebook memory - three years ago we were visiting the Melbourne Festival in Derbyshire, UK. So many lovely pieces of art to see...

More tomorrow...


  1. My sister took a course in Irish and was astounded by the pronunciation vs. spelling!

  2. I am fascinated by words and pronunciation in general. I just finished a book where the main character is a teen names Soirse and she keeps saying that it's pronounced "Seer-shah" and that the famous actress is pronouncing it wrong, saying everywhere it's "Sur-shah" ;)

  3. I adore your pages, and yo! I say As-pa-ra-gus the same way your dad does. :D

  4. Loving your pages today Susan. We also have a Niamh in the family and people are always mis-spelling it lol. Happy Blogging! Elle/EOTC xx

  5. I love the video and your journal page. I love playing with words too.

  6. That yard art sculpture is gorgeous! Love the journal page.
    I'm fascinated by the difference in the spelling and pronunciation of Irish and Scottish words.

  7. So lovely to read your post. I have a friend called Siobhan too and I had to learn how to say her name properly. Names can be fascinating that way. I love the sculpture--looks like an interesting exhibit. Thank you for leaving your yesterday's haiku in my blog comments! That was a delight and i loved it! <3

  8. I love the Egypt joke! I'm gonna have fun with that one. When I first met a Siobhan...I was confused for days. In Harry Potter when Krum was learning to say Hermiones name...it was like "Oooooh" because we were all say "Herm-ee-ohn-nee" in South Africa!

  9. Oh and I really like the colourful art, the whimsical houses in the turban are like a fun hidden detail!


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