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Wednesday 22 September 2021

What's on your Workdesk Wednesday? #642 /Blog Along With Effy Post 22



Wednesday again, so I am linking to the Stamping Ground

Hopefully this week I will manage more commenting - I only managed a few last week! 

Follow the link to find out more and maybe join in... This is my post for WOYWW #642

Once again Effy is doing a month-long Blog Challenge on Facebook.
This will be my 22nd share there too...

To start, no talk of Covid today - even though tomorrow Melbourne is set to become the unenviable world record holder for most days spent in hard lockdown.
No - the news today is that at 9.15 this morning, we had an earthquake...

Victoria's emergency management commissioner warns residents that aftershocks could continue for days or weeks, following the magnitude-5.9 that struck north-east Victoria this morning.

In total seven quakes struck Victoria with tremors felt across the state, New South Wales, Canberra and as far as Adelaide and Launceston.

Certainly, we felt it - we heard the windows and crockery rattling, the mirrors on the dressing table shook for minutes. I think this is the worst I have ever experienced, although one in Abu Dhabi years ago, when I was in the 17th storey of our apartment block, was pretty frightening!
The first photo shows the epicentre.  Anyway I don't believe anyone was hurt. There was not a lot of damage reported - things off shelves and that burger place in Melbourne will take some repairing.

Apparently the Peregrine Falcons that nest on one of the buildings in Collins Street were disturbed but they returned to their nest...


Here are today's desk shots:

Tidyish - because at the weekend we had to take photos of everywhere to submit to the real estate people - this is a rental and they cannot do the usual face-to-face routine inspection.

In the second picture on teh floor are two crochet kit boxes - on special offer a while ago - as yet unopened!

As regards crafting - I finished this week's Wanderlust #38. This was a lesson by Rae Missigman and was all about making some 5 minute pieces of art. That's what these were:

I then cut them out and added them to a burlap page in my journal.

I had typed the themes on my old typewriter on a piece of book paper (as well as some quotes I thought I might be able to use).

My inspirations were
SEE - the Camelia I see through my craft room window
KNOW - the front of a book
IMAGINE - some Australian wrapping paper
INTERPRET - a stencil with watercolour
UNDERSTAnt - a dish that was once part of a clock that I have bits and bobs in
FEEL - some Eucalypt leaves on tracing paper.

Hope you are all well - stay safe...

Happy WOYWW !!


  1. I just saw on the BBC news website about the quake. glad no-one was hurt but it must be pretty frightening. I like the use of the results from your 5 minutes of art - fab journal page. Take care, stay safe - from everything!! Helen #4

  2. Eek. My son lives in CA and I have an Earthquake tracker bookmarked. No one even reports on it till it gets over a certain number, but damn there are 100s of the a year there. 5.9 isn't nothing for sure. Hope it settles down and the aftershocks remain few and sort. Love your journal page - it's a good 'un!

    Happy WOYWW, on the day, for a change!
    Mary Anne (1)

  3. Goodness that must be one heck of a scary experience. Glad you are OK and no damage to your property. Love the 5 minute page, so beautifully colourful - I don't know how you completed that in the given time, it looks way too detailed for 5 minutes!
    Hope you have a good week, and perhaps a less exciting one too!
    Diana xx #15

  4. I was thinking of you when I heard the news about the quake this morning Susan. So glad to hear all are OK and that no-one was seriously injured. Love how you have used the five minute projects on your journal page. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  5. Oh my!! I'm glad that you are okay and that no injuries were reported.

  6. Pleased you are okay, sounds nasty. Loving the journal page and hope you have a good woyww, Angela x14x

  7. Glad you are safe with no damage from the quakes but wow! I love your journal artwork pages.

  8. Didn't know about the earthquake - how terrible for all in the area.
    That was a good idea for a journal page to use your 5 minute paintings from Wanderlust. I always think it is easy to put a page together if you like what you are doing.
    Hugs, Neet 6 x

  9. It sounds frightning, experiencing an earthquake... glad you are safe and noone was hurt! I love the 5 minute paintings and what you did with it, I joined an 'event' last week that did these kind of things and I had difficulties with creating that fast - I should do it more I guess 'cause it IS fun! Have a safe and nice weekend sweetie, hug from Holland. Marit #3

  10. Gosh it is scarey, I was In California staying with my sister and we experienced aftershock, the epicentre was miles away and that wasn’t pleasant…made the water in the swimming pool slosh and wave. A minor miracle that no one was hurt. Blimey, Victoria has enough to contend with right now…hope lockdown isn’t getting you down. Love the journal page, those ‘five minute’ pieces are just great, love that you were immediately able to see a use for them and not just then have them hanging about.

  11. I've never experienced an earthquake but I can imagine how frightening it must be. Somehow we take for granted that the earth beneath our feet will be firm and stable. Animals often seem to know in advance when one is going to happen which is pretty amazing. I am glad you were OK and there wasn't too much damage. Your burlap page is lovely! It has a tropical feel about it.

    Thank you for your comment and I am glad you enjoyed your visit. I didn't manage to visit everyone last week either, and probably won't this week either! How interesting that you've got the same steampunk stamp set, but what a shame you weren't able to identify the source either! I'm up and down with the fatigue and that's pretty much normal for me so if the post-radiotherapy fatigue is going to hit, it probably hasn't just yet. My skin is suffering a bit, though, which isn't very pleasant.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #9

  12. I have never felt and earthquake and really hope I never do . So glad to hear the damage was not to bad and no one hurt,

    Take care and stay safe, Lilian B #21

  13. Only just turned on PC to do WOYWW ... love your burlap page with the gentle rainbow colours. gosh earthquakes must be scary indeed, not experienced one myself.
    hand is doing ok only took some paracetamol on the day of the procedure. it's sore if i try to use it but surgeon said i can only gently mobilise the digits and the thumb in the interim but there is no heavy lifting for now. till i see him on 4th Oct. struggling to keep dressing in place. was told NOT to remove it just to add to it. think my efforts will be on display next wed lol. bj#13

  14. Gosh! Earthquakes! We experienced one several years ago, it was a very brief sensation of the ground beneath your feet moving. Your sounds much scarier. A belated happy WOYWW Angela #7

  15. HI Susan, Glad you are safe! I did not hear about that earthquake, they are very scary. I grew up in California and we often had earthquakes, and earthquake drills in school. I'm glad the damage seems to have been minimal. I love what you did with your Wonderlust pages! They made an awesome journal page! I have only gotten around to everyone
    at WOYWW once or twice, I usually try for as many as I can, and the ones who I didn't get to last time! I don't think many of us go the whole round every week. There are many I never hear from (even when I comment on their sites!). Have a great week, hopefully the aftershocks will be few and mild. Lindart #27


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