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I have been taking part in the Conjuror of Dreams Progressive Challenge. The most recent image I have received is of a mermaid. I have used ...

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

WOYWW 582 - What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday?


It's Wednesday and I am showing you my desk again...linking this post to the Stamping Ground.

Here's my desk picture for WOYWW 583!

What can you spot?

A few Copics that I just filled up.
A couple of Posca pens that I had been using to put finishing touches to my journal. 
My yoga mat because I just was doing an online yoga class
Last week's UFO finished...

Once again I have turned to my little cross-stitch bag for my next UFO... my Dad made that rug in the background...

As you may know Melbourne is now in Stage 4 restrictions having declared a state of disaster because of the Coronavirus.

Just think, this time last year we were in Fiji celebrating our middle son's wedding!


Anyway... I have continued to make masks for us and members of the family.

My favourite style at the moment is the one on the right, based on this You Tube video but using hair ties instead of elastic...

but I have also tried this gaiter style:

My husband has been keeping busy finding jobs to do... 
One of the things he did was take apart a broken washing machine to see what bits he could salvage. I am sure this will come in useful:


My husband and I spent the last 5 years and in particular 2019 preparing to move back to Melbourne. We lived here before, from 1998 to 2004 and our three sons never left when we moved on to Hong Kong. Our daughter returned 18 months ago.  We were so excited to be living once more in the same country as our kids and their families.

 However it was quite a wrench to leave my Mum and Dad behind, especially as I had provided more and more support for them, along with the help of my brother and sister.

Imagine my sadness when I heard that my Dad had passed away in the early hours of yesterday morning. He had been admitted to hospital at the end of June with a high temperature and fatigue - he was subsequently tested positive for Covid-19. Although he recovered from the virus he was left much weakened and his health had deteriorated. He was moved into a nursing home for palliative care.  Mum and my brother and sister had managed to visit him there for occasional 10 minutes at a time and he was comfortable. However in the last few days he became less so and he slipped away in his sleep...


  1. oh Susan I am so sorry to hear this news... sending hugs. Helen #1

  2. Oh Susan, so sorry to hear about your Dad. Sending lots of hugs and warm wishes. Love the angel decoration. So good that you have the rug your Dad made too. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  3. I’m so sad for you Susan and send my love from across the pond. Four months ago I lost my auntie in exactly the same way and she was everything to me.
    There’s a million things I want to say to you to comfort you but just know all your woyww friends are sending big hugs your way.
    Stay safe
    Lynn xxx 7

  4. So sorry to hear about your loss. Sending love and Hugs, you never know the spring MIGHT come in handy lol
    Lilian B #4

  5. This disease is terrible, I am saddened by how many older people have had their lives shortened, it's a scandal. I send my deepest sympathies to you and biggest hugs - even the funeral won't be how you would have wanted it.
    I think your cross stitch UFOs are brilliant and, once I finish making my mask order, am going to dig out my threads and see if I can't find a free chart online somewhere.
    Take care,
    Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss Susan, It must be even harder when you are so far away. How lovely to have the rug your Dad made. At times like this, it's so good to have our crafty hobbies to help us keep going isn't it. Take care, Annie C #16

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure it's made worse by the distance but I the virus has made these times worse for us all. Sending you all much love.
    Annie x #6

  8. So sorry to hear about your dad, what a sad situation. In spite of that and the coronavirus restrictions, thank you for sharing your sweet space and makes. Wishing you the best possible week.

  9. So sad to hear of your dad's passing, and with this horrid virus that is around us all. Sending condolences to you and your family, and your mum especially.
    Nice to see the wedding photo which shows happier times, what a lovely place for a wedding and how magnificent the bride's bouquet is.
    Take care, we (NW England) are in some kind of partial lockdown but I can see it coming that there will be more and more of this happening. I can't believe we are seeing something like this. It's like fiction and not reality but it is real.
    Stay safe
    Hugs, Neet 14 xx

  10. Oh that's so sad - i am so sorry. I can only imagine how you are feeling being so far away. Your cross stitch pieces are stunning . Take care - sending my love xxSoojay x17

  11. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news. Sending you gentle hugs this morning.
    You look as though you are keeping busy during your lockdown, which is a good thing and you have some happy memories too from your lovely photo. I think we are all learning to take nothing for granted this year aren't we?
    Take care and stay safe
    Hugs Lisax #21

  12. So sorry to hear about your dad, especially that you're so far away. I live in a different country from my parents as well and I'm dreading the day when it comes. Loving those colourful masks - they bring a bit of brightness in this dark situation. I didn't realise Australia had to go back into lock-down - I thought you had an easy ride with the first wave - nothing like the deaths we saw in the UK. Stay safe and please accept my condolences. xx zsuzsa #11

  13. So sorry to hear about your dad. It's been a very difficult time especially for older people and we can only be grateful that they had a long and happy life. Although I live in the same country as my parents it's still been hard as when they took my father into hospital we couldn't visit him and he passed away three days later but my mum is still managing and has carers to help. Loving your masks they are lovely and colourful. Take care and wishing you a happy woyww and a lovely week of crafting too, Angela x10x

  14. I am so very sorry Susan (( HUGS ))
    (love the masks)

    ~Stacy #25

  15. Oh Susan I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s so hard when you can’t be there for whatever reason, take comfort that your sister will support your Mum while you process. In these Covid days, I’m really grateful that your Mum was able to spend time with her life partner. A new lockdown is a bummer, and that’s quite a long curfew isn’t it, hope you’re coping.xxx

  16. Sorry to hear about your Dad, lovely photo of you all for your memories. Take care, and thanks for the visit. BJ#12

  17. Oh Susan, I am so sorry to hear about your Dad, and so sorry that you can't visit because of Covid. Sending you love across the miles. You and your family are in my prayers. Take care and stay safe. With love and God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

  18. So sorry to read your news about your father. Sending gentle hugs. Anne x 15

  19. Oh Susan I am so sorry to hear about your father. Sending much love and sympathy x Angela

  20. This awful virus has wrecked so many lives - I am so sorry for your loss. Sending our love and hugs to you. I little gentle crafting and stitching will be uplifting. xx

  21. This quote has been a comfort to me, so sharing:
    "Grief never ends...but it changes.
    It's a passage, not a place to stay.
    Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith.
    It is the price of love."
    God Bless.
    Kathryn #29

  22. So sorry to hear about your dad, Susan. Sending love and hugs across the ocean.

    Shoshi x #18

  23. Thanks for your return visit, Susan. I'm really late with most of my comments this week too!

    Shoshi x


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