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Wednesday, 19 August 2020

WOYWW 585 - What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday?


It's Wednesday and I am showing you my desk again...linking this post to the Stamping Ground.

Thanks again to those of you who visited last week and thanks for your kind comments!

Here's my desk picture for WOYWW 585!

It shows a magazine freebie that I just put together - would probably have been a good task for one of the granddaughters, but as we are not likely to see them any time soon, I thought I would do it. Somehow I haven't had the heart to get on with my cross-stitch


 probably because I started making it with the intention of giving it to my Dad... his funeral is now confirmed for the 27th.

Anyway the rainbow is now on the front door fly screen...hopefully it will be seen from the road! I did make a paper rainbow at the beginning of the pandemic but that was at my daughter's.


Several of you have mentioned that my desks look tidy - this is not the usual case!!  But now that I do not have a big table in the centre of this craft room like I did in the UK, I have to keep clearing up after me. These are two pictures from 19th August two years ago... this sort of thing I now have to do in the dining room! That day, my daughter and I did marbling followed by pouring. You can see I do lots of standing to craft...
 The second photo was taken after we came back from the pub - just having another little fiddle!



Getting back to this week... here is my husband mending my Big Shot...

In the background you can see my untidiness - piles of scraps from my guillotine, a baby wipe...and, oh dear, my guillotine has been left in the upright position!

Not decided what I am going to do with my Metcalfe fountains - but my brother says he will put a different kit in the post for me. This was another kit I put together just before we left England, which I did give back to him and he sold.

It seems that today I haven't shown much of what I have been doing this week - so - 
I did have a go at Karen's fold up pockets...

And I have been doing lots of mixed media...

To finish I will just add a giggle...


  1. Love the "funny" you ended on.
    How good having a husband you trust with your machine - hope the repair went well.
    Lots of super pictures from two years ago - gosh I bet you miss having that room now. Imagine paint pouring in the dining room!
    Have a crafty week.
    Hugs, Neet 7 xx

  2. I laughed at your And Finally!!! I think we all identify with that. Your craft room is such fun to have a look around, you have a go at anything! I always loved doing marbling, it's like magic. I loved those pop out cards of Karen's last week and yours is just as beautiful. Hope your dad's funeral goes as ok as these events can.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  3. I like your giggle - it made me giggle! Love your mixed media projects too - and it's the second time I see hubs to the rescue (See Wipso's post!). It's understandable that you're reluctant to work on the cross-stich that you were going to give to your dad. I would leave it until you feel ready - and then it might even be therapeutic. Sending you hugs, zsuzsa #21

  4. I love to see crafters in the process of creating so thanks for sharing that. The funny really had me chuckling...I'm sure we can all relate to that.
    Annie x #12

  5. aww (((hugs ))) for 27th - the rainbow looks lovely. Yes I loved the end funny too :) Soojay #22

  6. The rainbow looks lovely.
    The funny made me giggle too.
    Hugs for the 27th. Soon be 4 weeks since we buried mum. NIt's hard. Anne x @16

  7. We will never run out of craft supplies will we??!! Your fold ups turned out great & I love all the tags ~ I enjoy watching people do the acrylic pouring, it's so relaxing and the results are so different each time. The 27th will be hard, My dad passed away 31 years ago in the month of August as well ~ sending blessings to you

  8. That's a great funny - and after nearly 6 months ful on crafting I haven't even made a dent!! So much going on in your post, particularly liked the mixed media scrapbook page. Happy WOYWW, stay well, safe, Cindy #21

  9. Lots of interesting things going on in your studio this week, Susan. I have been fascinated by paint pouring for ages but have never had the courage to try it - it looks so messy to do! The results are stunning, and I often watch it on YouTube. A great funny at the end that I think will probably ring true for most of us! So sorry about your dad, and I am not surprised you don't want to do any cross stitch at the moment if it was for him.

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi #23

  10. My heart goes out to you, Susan. Our dad's hold our hearts in such a special way. Thanks for the wonderful post! You are my crafting super hero! :) Always inspiring and so creative! Hugs

  11. I do hope the funeral goes as well as they can do, I am not surprised you don't want to to the stitching. You have more space to craft than Ido so I envy you! have a good week.. Helen #2

  12. Having lost my own parents You have my sympathy at this painful time x

  13. I could relate to the funny obviously! Busy lady, lots of great projects on the go. Hope the funeral goes well for you, it's a sad time. At least we have crafty stuff to keep us busy. Wishing you a happy woyww and a lovely creative week, Angela x14x

  14. You sure have been busy! I love the funny quote at the bottom. Have a great week. Dorlene #29

  15. What parsnips! Looks delicate.
    I love your Mixed Media pages at the bottom.
    Have a nice week.
    I really like this WOYWW and the opportunity to visit
    all creative people in the blogosphere.

  16. Love all the rainbows, they always make me smile, I think they send messages of hope, don't you? Your giggle was right on - it certainly made me laugh! have a great week, Lindart #27

  17. I love your rainbows - both so beautiful and so different. Your funny made me laugh and I really liked your beautiful mixed media pieces. Sorry I am late commenting. Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. with love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#9)

  18. There's a lot to see and admire in this post, love the little rainbow and your art journal/mixed media piece. And wow, marbling... haven't done that for ages, I remember the fun though Γ‘nd the lovely results! Thanks for your visit at my blog, have a great weekend, hug from Holland. Marit #8

  19. Hey Susan, sorry I’m so late. Lovely picture of your Dad and the huge leeks. I would imagine that confirming the date of his funeral would indeed remove the impetus from doing the cross stitch. It’ll still be there for those moments when you want to do something and think of him. I avoid standing to do anything, and it makes me smile at workshops - new stampers always bob in and out their chairs to make stamped impressions. I think its just a question of habit. Although yes, at one stage, you had plenty of moving room...that marbling must have been fun. Although β€˜tweaking’’ after a visit to the pub is the sort of action that causes me regret, usually!! YOu’ve had a really busy week, loved the pages in your journal. ANd the Mr, mending the Big SHot, well done him!

  20. How coincidental that someone in my book club saw a similar rainbow this week and we've been having an online discussion on how to make one! Yours is lovely, and I like the little row of pompoms. I love the little pockets you made and the mixed media pages are fab - you have a lot going on. Thank you so much for your visit to mine, I've been struggling to get round to anyone this week because of ghastly tooth problems and then antibiotic problems! Anyway, on the mend now so I might squeeze in a couple more visits before it's time to do it all again!!
    Diana xx #15


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