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31 Days of Halloween - Day 20

    During October you will see many Halloween-y projects on my blog as I am joining in with LeighSBDesigns 14th Annual 31 days of Halloween...

Sunday 25 April 2021

Blog Along with Effy - Post Twenty Four


If you have been reading some of my April posts you will know that when I saw
Effy's Blog Along I thought I would share some 'diary' posts, along with some of the crafty things I have been doing.

So... not much crafting in the last day or two. I have started today's post with a photo of the iconic Flinders Street Station in Melbourne, rather than one of my art pieces.

We went to see Harry Potter The Cursed Child Part 2, on Friday night and then stayed over at our daughter's place.

Acts 3 and 4 were just as enjoyable. Tremendous effects again!

Because we stayed at Sophie's, we went out for breakfast.

My favourite breakfasts always involve a poached egg or two - although in the last few years I cooked many a boiled egg for Mum and Dad, when I was cooking their breakfasts. It was always tomato juice with Lea and Perrins, boiled egg with bread and butter, tea and toast with marmalade. I used to do poached eggs occasionally for them - but as it was also smoked salmon and Hollandaise, they probably then wouldn't need lunch.

My breakfast above included sweetcorn and zucchini fritters. Sophie had bacon - but Kevin and I have not eaten meat for 40 years. This reminds me of a conversation which Mum once had with Sophie:
Mum: 'I could be vegetarian.'
Sophie: 'Except for bacon'.
Mum: 'Yes . . . And meat'

After breakfast we went on a drive round and ended up at Abbotsford Convent where we walked round the gardens. These are right in the middle of the suburb - I am not sure if you can see the cranes in the back of the picture.

The Convent is a cultural centre and there was an art installation that interested me:

This was a gravestone for the word 'Should' by Art Therapist Robin Devries - a place to bury all those 'Should have...'s

There was also a Farmers Market at the Convent. On one of the stalls it said that mice do not like coriander. I wonder if this will help with our mouse situation?

All for now - see you soon! 

Happy Crafting!


  1. Beautiful photos, sounds like a lovely time, hugs, Lori m

  2. Love the gravestone to should. Looks like you had a lovely time.

  3. It seems so strange to see people out doing social things with other people lol. Hope you enjoyed the Cursed Child, I haven't seen the show but listened to the audiobook and that was pretty good. I LOVE the place to bury all the should haves, that word needs to be banned lol. Elle xx

  4. What a lovely day you had. Yes I could be a vegetarian too if it wasn't for bacon and meat or someone to cook vegetarian meals for me. I would get so bored. I enjoyed reading about your day.

  5. Breakfast looks delicious! I could be vegetarian too if it wasn't for bacon LOL.
    I love the tombstone. Maybe I should create one outside to "bury" all my "should haves".

  6. What a great gravestone - I should put one of those in my yard! xoxo


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