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Wednesday 28 April 2021

WOYWW #621 Blog Along with Effy - Post Twenty Eight


I took this picture last night. I had been working on the dining room table , cutting the pages of my 8 page journal creation (inspired by Niamh Baly), but the light went so I had to move into my craft room where I have a space with that excellent 'two bulbed' lamp.

If you have been reading some of my April posts you will know that when I saw
Effy's Blog Along I thought I would share some 'diary' posts, along with some of the crafty things I have been doing. To be honest I blog something most days (currently April posts =56, March = 60) but usually the posts just feature a crafty item. These 'Blog Along' posts and the 'What's on Your Work Desk Wednesday' posts tend to be more personal.

This is also my desk picture for WOYWW 621! As it is Wednesday again, I am linking to the Stamping Ground. I usually manage to comment on all the desks - but usually later on in the week! If you want to know what WOYWW is all about please follow the links.


I thought I would show you how far I have got with the Niamh Baly set. To start off though this is the journal I am using - it is a Strathmore - about 8 by 10 inches.

I decorated the cover with Scribbly tiles (from a workshop by Kate Crane). My yellow random lines turned out not to be so random!

My finger really hurts having done the cutting of 8 pages. Now I have to add words - I am still thinking about that. But this is how some of the pages worked:

I was delighted that the washi tape came off easily - it had been on for weeks!

Another of my 'desks':

I was attempting to repair a 50-something year old Womble that my daughter inherited, whilst watching television. Also continuing with my crochet...

We are about at the end of our first month at the market. We have at least broken even, selling some of my craft and upcycled items.

To help stock the stall we tend to trawl the charity and antique shops. And end up buying things WE need. Last week we picked up a fan heater (it is getting very cold these evenings!) and today a standard lamp which will be good next to my chair! I have now fixed the ribbon on the typewriter I picked up a couple of weeks ago - the intention is typing some word strips for my journal.

To finish, this is what we saw when we looked out of our window this morning...

The owners were having a bit of trouble with their boat! They did fix it eventually and went out in it!

Happy Crafting!


  1. Oh I envy you your typewriter! I have left so many of them behind, as we have moved back and forth across the pond and I wish I had kept every one of them. Kudos on the crafty selling - I can't wait to be able to get back out to in-person shopping (well, except food shopping - happy for the Hubster to keep doing THAT LOL!) I love Niamh and her cut pages are so nice - yours is a masterpiece as well. Love it.
    Have a marvelous day!
    ATC backs for the 12th to download on my blog :)
    Mary Anne (1)

  2. Wowzers that book is incredible!! I can't imagine the time and pressure on the fingers needed for that but I love the way the rainbow gradually appears. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #5

  3. WOW such a variety of things to keep your life busy. Thanks for sharing the great photos. Enjoy a lovely week #24

  4. I like the scribbly tiles very much but appreciate what you said about the yellow lines, I find it incredibly hard to do ‘random’, it’s my very precise symmetrical brain that doesn’t allow me to do off centre or abstract!! The boat made me laugh, I’m glad they managed to sort it out!
    HUgs LLJ 6 xx

  5. Love your artwork this week, Susan, particularly the tree cut-out - very effective. I think the yellow lines look pretty random! Thank you for your visit last week and particularly for your kind words about what I wrote about the Queen and Prince Philip. Interesting that you've been to KL. There's such a cultural variety in Malaysia with the Chinese, Malays and Indians. I loved the food while I was there. The kitty throw has grown by leaps and bounds since last week!!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi # 18

  6. you lace cut page is fantastic - I haven't attempted one yet, but like you .love Niamh's posts on YT . have a great week Helen #4

  7. Gosh Susan, those pages are wonderful, each a frame able piece on their own. The washi was good! Poor old wobble looking his age, huh, bet you did a great job for him though. The boat pic made me wander if it had skidded up onto land for a min, glad all’s well that ends well, it’s one thing to have such a fab view, quite another to need to protect yourself from its proximity!

  8. Must be quite interesting watching the boats and the people. I hope you make a profit on your stall after all the work. Angela #16

  9. Wow, I love your 8 page journal! How nice to go to a craft market, it must be nice, which one is it? Thanks for sharing your photos of crochet and wounded wombles. And you prompted me to link to WOYWW which I always forget to do. Elle

  10. I used to so love my Typewriter and wish really that I hadn't let it go really. Loving the journal pages and the view through your window, very nice. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x14x

  11. I am totally impressed you have "fixed" the ribbon on your type writer Susan. ( I have been known to rub ink on the ribbon of mine lol) Your booth looks fabulous. ~Stacy #25

  12. Great pages and good to break even at the market - hopefully now you can start making money from it - I guess it can take time for people to come back regularly to see what you have as well which should help sales...xoxo

  13. This post feels so good! I feel like I've had a nice visit with a friend. And I love all the journal pictures, especially your scribbly tiles!

  14. WoW - great craft spaces. That journal looks AWESOME !!!! xo

  15. I keep meaning to send our son up into the loft to find the old typewriter that is up there somewhere Susan - they are so great for journaling. Loving the journal pages - the tree overlays are so different. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  16. Hello Susan, thank you for the visit.
    Your journal pages are fab.
    I used to make wobbles, many years ago amongst other things lol.
    The view from your window is fabulous!
    Take care Anne x 19

  17. Love what you've been up to, your journal pages look really fantastic! Scary but Fantastic! My mum had a type writer... then she got a computer...she rag nme up asking where she should put the paper! Sorry I'm so late! Hope you had a lovely last week WOYWW! (Lyn)8


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