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Wednesday, 21 April 2021

WOYWW #620 Blog Along with Effy - Post Twenty One

This is my messy desk in the utility room, showing the stage I had reached this morning in Wanderlust Week 16 with Dyan Reaveley. It is now late afternoon so I have a couple more stages to show you later on...

If you have been reading some of my April posts you will know that when I saw
Effy's Blog Along I thought I would share some 'diary' posts, along with some of the crafty things I have been doing.

This is also my desk picture for WOYWW 620! As it is Wednesday again, I am linking to the Stamping Ground.  I started sharing my desk on WOYWW in June when we were in the middle of lockdown - it certainly did help me remember what day it was! If you want to know what WOYWW is all about please follow the links...


Anyway today I am sharing not just one desk but several of my working areas - not all, as I also end up at the dining room table and in the sitting room (my pens and pencil cases are all in there at the moment - I like to doodle watching television). 

This is my computer desk, with Cricut on the left, and space to work if I move my keyboard. You might be able to spy a heat gun, my way of eking out the very last of a glue bottle, a new journal (Arrived today) and part of a clock mechanism containing cogs that Kevin thought I might be able to use!

A second area in my craft room - here you will see a couple of Tracy Scott stamp sets. Still out because I just decorated this triangular shelf thingy with them:

Next, a third area in my craft room - on here you will see some stamps from The Rabbit Hole Designs - I won these in the Coffee Lovers Hop. They had been opened by Border Control so they took quite a while to get to me. I don't know why they were checked - maybe just a random thing, or perhaps because all the descriptions included 'caffeinated', or maybe the ex-ray machines had picked up an enclosed paper clip. I will enjoy using the stamps!

To get back to my Dyan Reaveley inspired journal page, I am about at the doodling stage now.

I ended up making a stencil from Mylar on my Cricut as I didn't have anything appropriate. The next picture shows my 'using up' page with ghosting from the stencils. I rather like it!

What else have I been doing? A little bit of water colouring - you might remember the first picture. These lobsters were inspired by a plate I have, that is painted in a similar way.

I don't know about you but I love the memories that Facebook throws up. Today I was reminded of this amazing sculpture that I saw in Manarat al Saadiyat, 8 years ago, when we were living in Abu Dhabi.

But back to today, once again we were out and about. We visited the Botanic Gardens in Cranbourne again - such lovely trees!

Happy Crafting!

P.S. If you read my last post regarding the mouse, we went into the local Supermarket earlier to look for a mousetrap. That section of the shelves was completely bare. It must be mouse in the house season! It certainly is getting chillier!


  1. ACK! Where to look? What to comment on first? I am spinning. Love the journal pages for sure, all of them. The lobster watercolours are adorable with such simple strokes. That crazy chair sculpture - pretty sure I recall seeing that before (on your blog maybe?) , it's amazing. Your shelf is gorgeous too, shame to add anything to it and cover up the decoration inside. The gardens look lovely, and now I am tired and need a sleep. My brain hurts from all the inspiration...
    Sidetracked momentarily by a new project but determined to visit ALL today! :D
    Mary Anne (1)

  2. Itโ€™s so interesting to see whatโ€™s on your table! And those trees are gorgeous as is the Dylan Reaveley page!

  3. Oooh, I like the ghosted stencil too, it works really well as does the triangular shelf thingy, lol!! The chair sculpture is amazing, I love things like that thanks for sharing.
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  4. Thank you for sharing all those goodies, such beauty and inspiration!

  5. Thank you for the links and resources!

  6. Love the ghosting page! Beautiful design on the inside of the triangle - was that made with the stamps? Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #5

    1. Paint overstamped in black archival, then lots of doodling.

  7. Some pretty cool projects there! Woah, what's with all the chairs LOL? You need a cat! I watched ours eat a mouse just yesterday - not a pleasant thing to witness - luckily, it was outside! Happy WOYWW! xx zsuzsa #15

  8. Love the triangle shelf and your page spreads.
    WOW that's a lot of chairs!!

  9. That sculpture is rather amazing. Some great art pages. Happy WOYWW and have a great week Angela #3

  10. OH what fabulous shares! I love that triangle shelf thingy!

  11. so may desks! you're as bad (lucky) as Mary Anne with multiple desks! hope you sort your mouse problem. Helen#4

  12. Great to have a walk around your craft space and loving the journal pages too. You take care and have a very happy creative woyww, Angela x12x

  13. I adore seeing other people's creative spaces. <3

  14. Wow, such a lot going on! Your two pages are fab - the ghost stencilling works really well. I love the triangular shelf thingy, the decoration is beautiful and the little lobsters are cute.
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana xx #16

  15. Loving the journal page so far and the ghost page too Susan. Hope you manage to get hold of a mouse trap! Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  16. Gorgeous stuff in your creative realm this week, Susan! I adore the little triangular shelf with the stunning mandala elements stamping. Your pages are brilliant, too, and how effective those little blue lobsters are with just a few blobs of colour and a few deft strokes of a pen. Outstanding.

    Happy belated WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #20

  17. Lots of lovely area's to work, I would not know where to start,, love the pages. I really want to give that a go, Love the tree pictures,

    Take care and stay safe,

    Lilian B # 10


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