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Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Blog Along with Effy - Post Five

When it comes to journalling, I am trying to find my own style. In the meantime I am taking inspiration from many different sources. For instance the pages pictured above were as a result of a Painting with Scissors workshop with the London Drawing Group, inspired by Matisse. This was a fun session!

When I saw Effy's Blog Along I thought I would share some 'diary' posts, along with some of the journal pages I have been pleased with.  I am trying to record some of my happy memories! Thanks so much to those of you who have taken the time to read my ramblings, and make comments. I am pleased that it has brought back memories of your own. To be honest I didn't expect many readers, if any!

I believe that I am really out of practice when it comes to writing. Yes, I write my blog, but mainly it features 'recipes' of the cards and ATCs that I have been making. Joining in the weekly 'What's on your Workdesk Wednesday'  may get a little away from that...

I used to be quite a letter writer. When my sister went to College and I was still at home, my letters to her apparently used to have her rolling about with laughter! When we first moved to Australia in 1998, at the beginning of our 20 years or so as expats, I would exchange letters regularly with my Mum. In fact, I used to check the letterbox on the hour (!) to see if there was anything there. Actually I tend to do that these days, now that we are once again in Australia! I still get quite a lot of post - mainly cards from crafty friends and things I have ordered!

From letters it went on to emails - during those early days in Australia, email was just not so common. I began a daily correspondence with my god mother - my Aunty Hilary. These letters were not just about daily happenings but included things like recipes and reviews of books we were reading.  Aunty Hilary used to send me regular parcels of new books! I was so saddened when she passed away, and all our emails were lost, when our email server from those days ceased to exist.

In my last post I mentioned quite a few pets. This started me thinking of the pets my parents had. My Dad had  a lovely Red Setter called Rak - I have only seen photos! And Mum - well two favourite stories we remember from Mum are when she was sent on shopping errands, and she ended up spending the change! One particular occasion involved day old chicks. Her grandma helped look after them by keeping them warm in the range. Unfortunately, they all turned into ferocious cockerels, that had to be fought off with brooms when entering the yard. On another occasion she came home with a kitten, who lived with the family for maybe 18 years, named Niggy Nom. Here is a photo of Niggy Nom with my Aunty Ann, and one of my Grandad with my Uncles Roger and David. Grandad was a builder so alongside the house was a builder's yard - that's why Grandma and Grandad's place was called 'The Yard'.

Yesterday, I mentioned the fact that I tried to persuade my children that pet rocks were the best pets...but we did have two cats - the first was called Sausage. He would wander off to other houses - in fact anywhere where he might find food. The kids and their cousins, who had come to stay, had missed him for several days one time and they thought he was lost. They put up all their pocket money as a reward and put up posters around the village. Of course other kids in the village returned him immediately!

Any way that's all for now.. more soon!

To finish another of my journal pages - this one is where I went next after the Matisse workshop. You will find more details if you scroll down a couple of posts.

Happy Crafting!


  1. Another wonderful post, I agree with you about the letter writing, I used to love doing that, and my handwriting was good, now I type everything and my handwriting is awful. I'm trying to learn faux calligraphy and it's really making me aware how awful my day to day writing is. Ahhh pets, what lovely memories. I used to have a dog called Shandy to my grandparents had a dog called Mitzi, bit since being a "grown up" I have only had cats. Lovely memories emerging again thank you.

  2. Your reminiscing on your correspondence with your godmother was so lovely to read about. It made me think about some of the emails conversations, pages and pages of emails back and forth, because that's what you did in the early 2000s.

    I miss that.

  3. Really enjoying your reminiscences and your art journal pages!


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